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Topics - mazellan

Pages: [1]
Configuration, Webswitch 1216H / webinterface
« on: 2023-11-14, 13:33:26 »
Hi, I have made my webswitch accessible from the web via port forwarding on my router. It works fine, but the "home page" of the webswitch is then accessible for anyone. Is it possible to configure the webserver such that one have to login to see anything? As it is now, anyone can see the system info they can even (without logging in) restart the unit.

Yes I know that I can control the traffic via the router. But since I connect to it via my cell phone 4G it's not possible to set which IP-number(s) that are allowed to connect.


Hej, jag har 4 st tempsensorer 3 på en bus och 1 på en bus. Sensorerna ute1, ute2 och garaget ligger på en slinga (5m, 5m och 2m), sensorn skåpet ligger på en separat slinga (20cm). Periodvis ges 85.00 C, detta sker dock bara på slingan med tre sensorer. OBS! kopplade ur sensor "ute1" som synes på bliden (ingen större skillnad).

Gissar att det finns de som har både större och längre slingor? Måste man spänningsmata??? Tips mottages gärna


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