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Topics - ea4bpn

Pages: [1]
General discussion / CW: some special characters not sent
« on: 2013-06-03, 11:23:09 »

I have noticed that some special characters used on CW are not sent. Those characters are question mark '?', comma ',' dot '.' and dash '-', commonly used in a CW QSO.
I do not think it is a bug. Perhaps there is some reason to no include those symbols, isn't it?

OS win7 pro and rrc-micro 1.6.6

There is another thing about how the CW message is sent. I could not see backspace key to work or an 'abort' key to stop the message. Reading the manual at the picture shows 'abort' and 'clear' keys, but they are missed on latest rrc-micro client.

Thanks in advance.

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