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Topics - GW6OVD

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Hi, I changed over a few months ago from Yaesu FT857 to Icom 7100 set up and all has worked perfectly until the last few days.

Now when I switch on, the radio works normally for anything between 20 seconds and a minute then disconnects.

Radio will reconnect every time when switched on again but disconnect after a very short period.

If control RRC is connected to local network at radio end all works normally.

I am using an Icom 7100 with a pair of RCC 1258 mk2's running version 2.95
RRC'S are both using default settings.

I have conducted a series of speed tests at the radio end and noticed a possible latency issue.
Download speed is around 43Mbs and upload around 6.8Mbs but the upload latency is very erratic,
from between 200ms to 780ms, could possibly be my problem? 
If this is an issue that could be causing the frequent disconnections are there any RRC settings that can be tweaked
that may help resolve this problem?

Thanks for reading my post, I would be most grateful for any advice on this issue

73, Mal


I have been running my remote station for a number of years with with a Yaesu 857 and RRC1258 ver 2.91, a little unreliable but most of the time it worked.

I've recently changed over to an Icom IC-7100, made all the necessary mods and tested at my home QTH.  All working fine.

Took both units to my remote location, again all working fine on that network.

Tested with control rrc and head unit at home QTH but unable to connect.

ddns status both ends OK,
control rrc shows  Sip status "unknown 1"
last sip error shows "Sip error" when I attempt to connect.

Router at radio end all looks ok, radio rrc ip set up in dmz as with previous setup

When I enter remote router external ip in my home pc browser it takes me directly to the radio rrc but still cant connect via control rrc.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

General discussion forum / Yeasu FT-857 No TX Audio
« on: 2017-04-15, 20:14:57 »
Hi everyone, I am currently setting up my remote station with a Yaesu FT857 and have purchased the dedicated RRC1258 mk2 kit including all connection cables and pre installed jumpers.
Everything appears to be working fine except I have no TX audio.  If I connect via LAN or via internet doesn't make any difference, the problem persists. 
 I have gone through all the settings on both units and can see no issues there.
 I have also tried it with the mic plugged directly into the radio instead of the control unit and TX audio then works fine.  I just wondered if anyone is familiar with this problem and could suggest how I might resolve the issue.

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