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Topics - IW2DOY

Pages: [1]
Hi guys,

I'm looking at some cabling instructions to connect the 1216L rotor controller to a KENPRO 650XL (YAESU G-650).

I have found some schematics and as far as I can see CW and CCW should go to 4 - 5 - 6 pin on the rear of the control box
and Pin 2 - 3 should connects to POT input of the controller.
No brakes control line (not present)

Is that correct ? any advice ?

Thank you
73 de IW2DOY Edoardo

Hi, I'm helping a friend fixing an issue with his RRC1258 setup and wifi card.

The RRC1258 is connected to a Kenwood TS480 and all was working fine until we updated the ADSL link with a new fiber link .
In order to fix some problems with DDNS we upgraded both radio and control unit from fw 2.74 to the version 2.90.
Upgrade was completed successfully on radio and control RRC, I had only to reviewed some settings missing after the upgrade and the TS480 started to work again. All is fine except the wifi card in the control unit reported as "module not present" in the info web page and  can't be used.

Any idea how to fix that?
I'm wondering if uploading again the firmware could fix that issue or do I have to try with the latest one , 2.91? 
Any advice or suggestion will be very appreciated.

73 de IW2DOY - Edoardo

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