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Topics - vaidis

Pages: [1]
Configuration, Webswitch 1216H / request timed out
« on: 2012-09-10, 09:54:37 »
Webswitch 1216h after firmware upgrade to 2.6 or to 2.7 version stop responding to ping. After downgrade to version 2.0 start responding to ping, but next upgrade to 2.7 version stop responding to ping. Connecting via http possible. After ping watch dog disable, start responding to ping. Then ping watch dog enable, no response to ping.

Min Temperature reading error at .0625.  Min temperature is bigger Max temperature.

Sensor                   Current   Max           Min
Sensor 1                   18.0625   18.1875   18.625
Sensor 2                   18.0625   18.3125   18.625
lSensor 3              18.0625   18.5000   18.625

rotator control unit 1216L have a big A/D converter reading error, if you watch your web page, it's about +- 4 degrees. Disconnecting rotator potentiometer from RCU input not solve the problem,  I try to connect accumulator 6V to input, the same result, very big reading error. Without input voltage, "LAST A/D" changes from 11 to 14.
How to solve this problem ???

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