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Messages - VK3ALB

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4

I think this explains it.

Hi Lou,

 Larry N8LP, who developed the LP-100, confirmed that there was a problem
on his side, but was unable to figure out the cause.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX

Hi Mitch,

Sorry, didn't realize what Lantronix was. Ham blogs are full of brand names, it's impossible to keep up.

Notwithstanding, if the meter uses RS232 for communication even at 115200 it should be possible to make it work over Ethernet.

I'll leave you guys with it.

Hi Robin,

Presumably you have a hub/switch at each end of the link. Have a look around for RS232 to Ethernet converters. These are an industry standard device for extending RS232 over long distances.


Wow such a quick decision. Spend some time reading the manual and make sure you set the tuner to remember each tuning spot.

I use a 40m long doublet with about 6m of open wire feeder. I found the AT100 was able to cope with much more difficult loads than the internal tuner. With this arrangement I can get a match on all bands including 160m. Of course, this says nothing about the performance of the antenna but at least I can transmit all bands.

Good luck.


Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk

I use a LDG AT-100Pro with my 480SAT. I change the rig to set a PF key to transmit low power (10W). Press once to turn on, a second time to turn off. The LDG auto-tunes no problem and you can see when it's finished from the meter on the rig.

No need for an interface cable but I do power the tuner from the AT300 connector on the back of the rig.



Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk

Configuration, Webswitch 1216H / Switching software versions
« on: 2018-10-19, 03:43:05 »

Is it possible to swap software versions in the webswitch from HAM to HOME or the other way?

Feature Requests / Re: SSL encryption for network traffic
« on: 2018-07-22, 22:38:34 »
For my own understanding, once someone gets in to the web interface what can occur from there. Also, what can be gained from looking at or accessing the RRC traffic?

Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk

Hi Mark,

You will need to forward the ports for your RRC at the rig end. You do this in your home internet router. Exactly how you do that will depend on your particular router model. You will also need to set up some kind of Dynamic DNS service so your home RRC can be found from the internet. I use the service provided by Remote Rig and I'm happy with it.

The RRC user manual has checklist (Networks & Firewalls) on what you need to do but you will have to become well acquainted with your router manual. The hardest part for me was figuring out what terms my router manufacturer used for port forwarding.

Making these configuration changes won't affect your home setup.

I suggest you dig through the archives here to see what you can find about port forwarding (there's a lot) and post here with more questions as required.

Hi Mark,

I've used my RRC with WiFi adapter (TS480) in the car via my phone hotspot and it works quite well. On Telstra 3G/4G I've driven from Geelong to Canberra without an issue and no one picked what I was doing until I told them. I've also used the RRC Nano from Canada via phone and tablet checking in to the local 3590 net every night while I was away.

As Mitch said, trying to use WiFi over a radius server is out unless you use an external box but I think it has merit if you travel a lot.

General discussion forum / Re: Icom IC-910H remote rig?
« on: 2018-02-16, 06:11:17 »

Didn't realize you had something already. I've used both radios of field days, same site, same antenna system and most importantly same preamps and I can't say I favor one receiver over the other - they both do a good job. After using the 910H and going to the 857 (actually 897) I can't think of a single time when I wished I had the 910H because of lack of TX power. I think the real differentiator in the 910H is the dual receive capability. Great for planning a QSY between bands but I'm not sure if that would work remotely.

In my opinion the last two 910H's on VKham went for a lot of money but if you really need that 100W/75W then you're on the right track.

If you want to hear from guys running remote rig that might not read here very often I suggest VK6LD, VK3OE (mostly 6m) who both use a IC706 and VK5PJ who may have already set up his 7100 using RR.

General discussion forum / Re: Icom IC-910H remote rig?
« on: 2018-02-16, 05:38:45 »
Hi Hayden,

I don't know exactly what you want to do but I think that's a lot of money to pay for the extra watts. I suggest you get something with a remote head and the options for using something like that is greater. It's real nice having a control panel in front of you rather than a laptop - feels more like radio.

Notwithstanding the lower power I suggest a FT857 or IC7100 or even a IC706MKIIg if you can find a separation kit.  I think these can all have their frequency stability tightened up with an after market TCXO if you are thinking digi modes. and the overall cost on the second hand market is a fair bit lower. 910H's in Oz are still relatively expensive especially without the 23cm option.

All of them (including the 910H) need a preamp to brighten up the receivers so (I think) your choice comes down to how you are going to operate and if you really really need the extra watts.

One of the other things you may need to consider is the standby current if you're running off batteries.

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: Config/Setup
« on: 2017-12-26, 22:52:53 »
Nice work Mitch,

Thanks for the update.

General discussion forum / Re: Kenwood ts-480 Sat
« on: 2017-12-04, 23:53:07 »
Yes you will need your computer with a web browser to change the settings on P186 - specifically the program mode in radio settings.

You need reach both both RRC units using a web browser from your your PC. If you're unsure about how to do that ask your IT guys.

Also, there are important sections of the manual that you must understand because they will help you with the RRC setup.

1.  Step by Step system setup

2.  Configuration with Microbit setup manager

3.  Initial IP setup via USB (will help you find the IP addresses of your RRC's)

4.  Configuration with WEB-Interface (The radio settings will help you with the detail on P186)

Hi Simon,

At least one person has done something like that.

General discussion forum / Re: maybe a simple question
« on: 2017-10-31, 23:26:17 »
Just follow the NANO instructions and it will work. You do not need to make any changes to your RRC configuration.

Since you can download NANO for free I suggest you try it.

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