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Messages - 4Z4OQ

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Hi Marvim

The original hand mic arriving with the ts-480 is one of the best options... I used several others with a dirrect connection and come back to the hand mic...
I am now putting up a multiple input mixer (see earlier post) and will adv outcome ASAP.



General discussion forum / Re: Aux/Mic & RFI..
« on: 2014-07-09, 11:10:01 »
Mike, thanks for prompt reply. So both options will work fine with no RFI issue?

General discussion forum / Aux/Mic & RFI..
« on: 2014-07-09, 09:28:07 »

I am building a multi audio input source connection into the RRC (using TS-480). I will have 4 inputs:
Hand-Mic, boom mic, headset mic and computer audio for PSK. All will go into a Behringer audio mixer so I can control the gain, high, mid and low levels.
The Behringer output will be connected to the rrc aux/mic jack
In the RRC Manuel page 177  I can see two options of the AUX/MIC  connections. Option 1 is connecting pin 3&4 and option 2 is connecting 3&6. It also mentioned that both will work but I can have RFI issues,

What I don’t understand is how can I get RFI issues if there is no RF in the shake but only at the radion site…
Can someone highlight this point to me.



What is your Latency ping?


General discussion forum / Re: Connecting Radio RRC I/O
« on: 2014-04-21, 18:49:41 »
Hi Mike

Thanks.. as you can see from above my settings at radio RRC is OUT0 mode on/off.

What is the setting for the Control RRC INO so all will work... I.E CW via KB ands also the relay


General discussion forum / Re: Connecting Radio RRC I/O
« on: 2014-04-18, 07:52:40 »
Hi Mike

Thanks for your answer. I guess this explain the tone I am receiving at the 480 head. It looks like I need a different configuration but not sure it is even possible..

My current use is as follows:-

1. Paddle connection to the back of local the RRC (using the rrc keyer) and from the Radio rrc to the radio.
2. CW keyboard operation (DTR via transistor) to pins 4&8 to the local RRC I/O jack
3. MIXW CAt via com 2

The next feature I am seeking for, is to control an on/off relay (via web to the Radio rrc) to power off/on an amplifier 

Any configuration that I need to change to achive the above?


General discussion forum / Re: Connecting Radio RRC I/O
« on: 2014-04-17, 16:50:07 »
Hi Mike

the issue is not that it doesn't work... when i am connecting the relay I get a continues tone at the TS-480 head.
My settings at radio RRC are:-
OUT0 mode on/off   
OUT1 mode on/off   
OUT2 mode Keyer

Control RRC are:-
IN0 mode   Keyer
OUT0 mode I/O   
OUT1 mode I/O   
OUT2 mode I/O   
USB DTR as CW   

General discussion forum / Re: Connecting Radio RRC I/O
« on: 2014-04-17, 06:55:47 »
Hi Paul

I am still struggling with the OUT0 configuration.. I understand this is on open collector output, which other pin is closing the loop? Pin 7 (8V) or pin 8 (GND)?


General discussion forum / Re: Connecting Radio RRC I/O
« on: 2014-02-12, 19:06:29 »
Hi Paul

Yes...  ;)

General discussion forum / Re: Connecting Radio RRC I/O
« on: 2014-02-09, 17:01:15 »
Thanks Mike.

I have build the device as in the picture but when connected to the RRC I get a continues tone at the TS-480 head.

Any idea?


Ziv 4Z4OQ

Hi Kari

We dont have 4G in Israel yet but on 3G network i got letency of 150ms and on high speed 28-30wpm cw chasing dx i lost my didt from time to time..

How far is yr remote from home...? My remote is 110km so for some test i was transmiting on 40meter arroung 07:00 so I can monitor my signal remote TX from home using my local radio...

Hope I was able to help.

Ziv - 4Z4OQ

General discussion forum / Connecting Radio RRC I/O
« on: 2014-01-29, 22:36:57 »

can someone please confirm the attached schematic is correct. This circuit will be used to drive a bigger relay to on/off my KPA500



General discussion forum / Re: K3/0 vs TS-480 & Mix-W
« on: 2014-01-19, 14:42:48 »
Hi Mitch

Ok.. I think I got it ;-)

Now need to get the $$ amount to bring it in :-)

Thanks agn!!

General discussion forum / Re: K3/0 vs TS-480 & Mix-W
« on: 2014-01-14, 18:54:30 »
Hi Mitch
hope you had a good filght back to Munich. As for your reply i am still in the dark..

So.. The the K0 is connected to com2 at the local rrc and remote rrc com 2 is connected to the K3 rs232.

Now my computer will connect to com1 at the local rrc. The remote rrc com2 i need to connect to the k3 rs232 but it is connected to com1 allready... :-\


General discussion forum / Re: K3/0 vs TS-480 & Mix-W
« on: 2014-01-13, 21:15:17 »
Hi Mitch

Long time... Not sure I follow you... Isnt the K0 connected to com 1? Where do I connect the 232 from my computer?


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