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Topics - k.haber

Pages: [1]
Configuration, RRC 1258 / TS590S & ARCP590
« on: 2018-02-04, 20:23:33 »

Have somebody controlled an TS590s via ARCP590 and RRC1258?

In the moment (for testing) I am running 2 RRC1258 in my Local Area Network.
Audio streaming is doing very well, but the "CAT" connection to ARCP590 is not stable!

First I am using COM2 afterwards COM1 with different baud rates (9600, 19200, 38400).

Always the same: After some minutes well working, the ARCP590 "CAT" connection goes down,
while audio streaming is continuing very well. After pressing the ARCP590 "CONNECT" button
the "CAT" goes up again for a few minutes.

Would be nice if anybody have an idea or can help! vy 73 de Klaus, OE2KHM

Hardware, Cabling, Installations / TS590S & ARCP590
« on: 2018-02-04, 20:16:42 »

Have somebody controlled an TS590s via ARCP590 and RRC1258?

In the moment (for testing) I am running 2 RRC1258 in my Local Area Network.
Audio streaming is doing very well, but the "CAT" connection to ARCP590 is not stable!

First I am using COM2 afterwards COM1 with different baud rates (9600, 19200, 38400).

Always the same: After some minutes well working, the ARCP590 "CAT" connection goes down,
while audio streaming is continuing very well. After pressing the ARCP590 "CONNECT" button
the "CAT" goes up again for a few minutes.

Would be nice if anybody have an idea or can help! vy 73 de Klaus, OE2KHM

Unfortunately, at the moment I have no time to move my amateur radio remote station project. Hence, I want to sell my brand new WebSwitch 1216H-2 with extended functionality. For details, please reply to, tnx de OE2KHM, Klaus

Pages: [1]