Author Topic: Connection problem on Yaesu Twin mode, when General Yaesu mode4 works?  (Read 9680 times)


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HNY 2014 to All Remote Users!

Has anybody else faced similar problems? 
1.) connection works GREAT between units on General Yaesu Mode4 = both LEDs ON/ audio goes thru and CAT 38400,8,1 CAT is working with e.g. N1MM ..., BUT
2.) When changing both units to Yaesu Twin mode 10, connection is not created automatically... and/or when changing remote unit to Auto-connect , once  this triggers connection shortly and it blinks shortly connection LEDs and connected radio ft5000 goes either ON or OFF + CAT led on radio blinks as well.

Testing  setup has Local LAN switch 10/100, using RRC HW V7 and lastest FW 2.75... i also tested with 2.66 just in case but result is same. Below some info of  settings.
I have also tried to connect my existing & working / second remote RRC unit to radio unit and behavior is same.

Name   Value
Company   Microbit
Product   1258
PID   4
Version   7
HW   8
Software   2.75
Bootloader   1.10
Compiler   4.6.2
Build   Oct 31 2013 16:36:10

IP address

UDP cmd port   12000
UDP audio port   11000
SIP port   5060
Web server port   80
Telnet server port   8023

All ideas are welcome... and ask more settings data if i missed some !! thanks for reading.



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Little bit more testing around this problem...

When im changing radio modes with Yaesu settings to following modes outcome for connection / no-connection u can see below

0 transparent, OK
3 ft8x7, ft1000x OK
4 Yaesu, Kenwood, Elecraft OK
5 TS480/TM-d710 OK
11 2/4 wire transparent OK

2  IC706, not ok, 7 IC2500R / IC2725 not ok, 8 TS2000 no ok, 9 IC-e2820 no ok, 10 Yaesu Twin not ok, 12 to 16 also not ok
17  yaesu ftm350... connection LED is blinking on.... 3secs ON, 1 sec OFF
* i dont know how much yaesu settings will influence to these "not ok" results
** e.g. Yaesu power on/off parameter has been "no" mode all the time

i have also tried to change UDP cmd, UDP audio etc ports in following series 500x, 1300x and 1200x/1100x... although this shouldnt be issue on home local LAN.



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Previous mode testing was done with FW2.66...

I noticed that 2.66 FW specification says, that mode10 "  Mode 10 = Yaesu Twin selectable in all hardware versions."

I tried to download FW 2.65 and after this i cannot find mode10 from dropdown list? does this mean that my HW doesnt support Mode10? although i should have latest HW acc. to setup info

Name   Value
Company   Microbit
Product   1258
PID   4
Version   7
HW   8
Software   2.65
Bootloader   1.10
Compiler   4.6.2



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from v2.66 mode 10 is available in all RRC:s. before you had to by a special version to be able to use mode 10. It has nothing to do with the hardware.

73 de mike


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Ok, Mike good to know that in  FW2.65 and older FW doesnt recognized the HW... meaning this cannot be used as detecting whats wrong.
HW should be latest as i have defined in previous descriptions.

I dont know what to do next.... maybe this is HW problem? Has there been similar cases?



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As it works when you use mode 4 you know that that the hardware is OK, only com2 are used. Have you checked the serial cable from the Controlling FT-5k to the RRC com2 ?
Do you have the same firmware version in both FT-5000 ?
Check baudrate (=38400)and RTS (=No) settings in the FT-5ks.
It must be a matter of settings either in the RRC or in the radio.  Auto connect should NOT be activated. Yaesu Power on/off should NOT be activated. I think if you set up the RRCs according to the manual it works. I can't remember anyone having this kind of problem with Yaesu Twin setup.
If you do not get it to work email me the infromation needed to connect to your radio, then I can test from here

73 de mike


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- COM2 in USE
- Im using Remoterig original Serialcom cables and in Mode4 N1MM CAT works with radios - as defined previously
- radio baudrate and RTS as per you instructions
- F5k FW, this is what i have not checked...
- i have tried several times without auto-connect and Yaesu power on/off NOT-activated
- Mike you have seen my settings in private email! and your feedback was " nothing wrong!"

73 from BY5... i will be in  12th Jan in HL1 again, but next day i will leave to A6 for week, so im not able to work much on this matter coming days



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I did not found any errors in the settings then but it's quite difficult to see from the printout. If I could try to connect from here I could also do some debug to find out where the problem is. Let me know when you are back and ready to do some tests.

73 de mike


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Dear Mike & Forum,

I found the root cause... bad connector/cable in CAT. =>Lesson learned, always double or triple check everything and try to do it with enough time...

I learnt in this case, that connection LEDs doesnt light ON, before CAT connection / control radio is ON

thanks for good support and ideas.