Remote Rig

Webswitch 1216H Support in English => General discussion forum => Topic started by: w1asb on 2014-10-28, 18:22:46

Title: Steppir and expert1kw connection
Post by: w1asb on 2014-10-28, 18:22:46
Im running this setup ts480 2 RRC between radio and control head ,webswitch with rotator control 1216l to yeasugs1000 ,steppir antenna with rc1216h all works perfectly now my question is :
I have a expert 1kw PA and rc1216 h how should I connect serial cable between expert ,steppir controler and radio ? Ts 480 has only one serial port which I'm using now to send data to steppir ?
Is anybody running same setup?I heard something about forwarding serial port in rrc but I'm not sure what is proper and easiest way of doing .your help is appreciated
Title: Re: Steppir and expert1kw connection
Post by: dj0qn on 2014-10-29, 00:43:16
This is very easy: change the radio RRC's COM1 to mode-6 or mode-7 and connect the SteppIR to
COM1. This mode combines COM1 and COM2 to allow a second CAT port over the RRC for sync, etc.
Note that the COM1 baud rate does not have to be identical to COM2.

Important: the pinout of COM1 is different than COM2, basically "backwards". Use the documentation
when making the cable connection.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX
Title: Re: Steppir and expert1kw connection
Post by: w1asb on 2014-10-29, 01:52:43
Mitch, thank you for your time and replay this means that I don't need it serial cable from body ts480 to rrc correct? and all I have to do is connect rcc com1 to steppir (data in) and com2 to expert db25 (expert rs 232 port has to go to rc1216h )and change menu as you described
 manual rc1216h : expert 1kw "A serial cable has to be connected from the RC-1216H to the PA RS-232 port.You also need to connect the PA to direct to the radio to get the necessary control functions from the Radio.If you need to connect CAT ports to the Radio, the Radio-RRC and the PA, check the
Remoterig RRC-1258 manual how to use the RRC as a serial port server. Eg. you connect the PA to the RRC COM1 and the Radio to COM2."
with this setup  Ill be still missing  my connection with steppir
Title: Re: Steppir and expert1kw connection
Post by: dj0qn on 2014-10-29, 11:42:58

I am not really sure what it is you are asking, it is really difficult to follow you.

My understanding is that you need a second CAT port for SteppIR sync. I explained how to
do that only. I was not focused on your other cabling.

Of course, you must first have CAT working. Just in case, I copied my CAT checklist below
for you to follow. This must be done before anything else.

Let me know if you have any further questions. I can go offline by e-mail (dj0qn (at)
or phone with you if there is something I need to better understand.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX

IMPORTANT: In both scenarios, you MUST first install a standard serial cable between the TS-480 body and COM2 of the radio RRC!

1) Change the CAT rate on the TS-480 to 4800 baud (menu 56). This rate keeps traffic over the internet to a minimum and faster is not necessary for CAT.

2) Change the COM2 serial settings of the radio-RRC to mode-4, 4800 baud, data bits 8, stop bits 1 and submit/apply changes.

3) Change the COM2 serial settings of the control-RRC to mode-4, 4800 baud, data bits 8, stop bits 1 and submit/apply changes.

4) Plug a serial cable in between your PC and the control-RRC COM2

5) Set your software to use the correct COM port on your PC at 4800-8-1-N

1) Change the CAT rate on the TS-480 to 4800 baud (menu 56). This rate keeps traffic over the internet to a minimum and faster is not necessary for CAT.

2) Change the COM2 serial settings of the radio-RRC to mode-4, 4800 baud, data bits 8, stop bits 1 and submit/apply changes.

3) Install the Microbit Setup Manager if you already haven't. You don't need the problem for this, but this installs the correct drivers on your PC.

4) Change the COM2 serial settings of the control-RRC to mode-4, 4800 baud, data bits 8, stop bits 1, "use USB Com Port as COM2" to "Yes" and submit/apply changes.

5) Plug a USB cable between your PC and control-RRC. Make sure you do NOT do his before step 3 above!

6) Find out the correct port in your Windows Device Manager to use by looking for the "Microbit RRC Virtual COM Port (COM2)"

7) Set your software to use the this COM port on your PC at 4800-8-1-N.