Webswitch 1216H Support in English > Hardware, Cabling, Installations

M.nu humidity sensor reading


Hi, I get the following readings from my sensors. Everything seems OK but the humidity reading is a steady 120%. The humidity sensor is the one recommended from m.nu.  The sensor card is connected without a separate 5V connection. The other two sensors are standard DS18B20 sensors.
Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this problem.

Sensor   Current   Max   Min   Source
Inomhus   23.69 C   23.75   23.69   Local
Verandan   22.63 C   23.44   22.50   Local
Fuktsensor   22.34 C   25.50   22.25   Local
Relative Humidity:
Sensor   Current   Max   Min   Source
Fuktsensor   120%   120   120   Local


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