Author Topic: Lf Delay Key delay defined  (Read 2541 times)


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Lf Delay Key delay defined
« on: 2016-11-03, 17:06:23 »
Can someone please explain the exact difference between Lf Delay and Key Delay in the Control Keyer settings? One is buffer and one is TX power inhibit after PTT?

I have read the manual and tried to search the forum but I am still not sure what the difference is.

I have my K3 twin set-up and working well for CW being sent from N1MM and the paddle using the Winkeyer emulator on Com3 (extra).

The concern is at the remote site I have numerous switching relays that need to engage for TX antenna switching changes from RX to TX. I need to prevent hot-switching. To accommodate this I have already set a tx INHIBIT time in the K3 radio to account for this. Now adding more "delay from PTT to power applied" will be cumulative could be a problem?

I also notice that in N1MM under the Settings tab for my Winker Com port that there is a "PTT Delay" setting which appears to be another "power inhibit sequencer".
Is this N1MM PTT delay "in addition" to the RCC keyer delay, or is it independent of the RCC unit?

Hopefully this question is clear. I want to fully understand what my sequencing delays end up being out at my remote radio from the time PTT arrives and power starts being generated.

de steve ve6wz