Author Topic: Multiple problems - please help  (Read 12584 times)


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Multiple problems - please help
« on: 2011-10-26, 16:54:45 »
OK...I was up all night trying to get this working and am close to my wits end.

I have the two RRCs connected and audio and CAT control are fine.  But no matter what I do I cannot seem to get CW working or audio to the radio.  I am using a stock Kenwood mic from a TS-480 with modular plug and the strappings are done per the manual Elecraft section (same as Kenwood).  The mic PTT works but I am not getting audio to the mic input.

I have a stereo cable from the PAD output on the radio RRC to a mono adapter connected to the K3 Key In jack.

Keyer function is ON on the control RRC.

OUT1 is set to Keyer.
OUT0 is set for remote power on
OUT2 is set for COM FSK

I tried useing COM0, COM1 and COM2 USB CW via DTR and set my logging programs to match each try but not getting any CW.  I also tried using the same COM2 port that is used for the K3 and set the K3 PTT-KEY menu to RTS-DTR...still nothing.

I have the radio RRC IO pins setup for RTTY and remote power on signals to the K3 pins 1, 8 and 5.  But as soon as I plug the power on line to the radio the rig turns on right away.  If I then use the power button to turn the rig off I get a blank LCD but power on...just a yellow screen.  I have to disconnect the pin 8 connection to have it shut down completely.  Same with a PS0; command.

I am almost ready to throw my arms in the air and give up but not quite.  If someone can help save what little sanity I have left it would be great.  I thought this would be the easy part after getting the CAT and audio working but that is proving to not be the case.




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Re: Multiple problems - please help
« Reply #1 on: 2011-10-27, 19:34:03 »
Further work last night resulted in CW working OK now.  I connected my HamGadgets MK1 keyer and cabled the output to IO pins 4 and 8.  I also did not have the INP1 option set to keyer.  Made quite a few DX contacts last night as the bands were in nice condition.

Still cannot figure out why I am not getting audio to the radio though for phone.


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Re: Multiple problems - please help
« Reply #2 on: 2011-10-27, 22:44:32 »
You do not say much about what you are trying to do, what software version you are using ?
Are you setting up the system to be controlled by HamRadioDeLuxe or other PC software ?



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Re: Multiple problems - please help
« Reply #3 on: 2011-10-29, 03:11:33 »
Hi Mike,

Presently setting up for using DXLabs.  I have commander working and CW is now working fine with the winwarbler module.  Instead of building an interface for the CW keying I decided to use my HamGadgets MK1 keyer which emulates a WinKey device.

My problem now is getting the mic audio to the radio working.



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Re: Multiple problems - please help
« Reply #4 on: 2011-11-03, 17:43:48 »
Thought I would update this.  Mic audio is working just fine.  The problem was with the software I was using (DXLabs).  I had one of the slider controls set for the MON function of the K3 and it was set with an incorrect parameter.  So when I tried to make any adjustment it would just go to a setting of 25 and cause very bad feedback.  With the exception of a "clunk" in the audio when releasing the PTT all is fine.  That may be the mic.

To almost complete the system I picked up a two serial port lantronix serial ethernet device for my watt meter and rotor controller.  They are working fine too and can now control the rig, rotor, meter, antennas and amp remotely.

Now my only issue I know if it the REMOTE ON for the K3.  I have the correct IO connector to go to pin 8 of the accy connector.  But as soon as I plug it in the K3 powers up right away.  This happens wheather I have the RRCs connector or not.  I thought it was not supposed to connect or "turn on" the K3 until you click the button to connect the RRCs.

Now on to FSK.  :)

Greg - AB7R


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Re: Multiple problems - please help
« Reply #5 on: 2011-11-03, 18:15:05 »

If you look at the new manual at page 169 you can see cable E3c. If you make the PWR on cable like the E3c and you set Out0 mode in the Radio-RRC to "connect" then the K3 will start when you connect with the "connect" button on the status page. There is no way to switch off the K3 by hardware so the PC-software must send the switch off command when you want to switch off.

The clunk you are talking about when release the PTT is the monitor signal from your own transmission which is delayed over the internet. If you are in SSB mode set the K3 monitor to 0 (CMP PWR knob pushed 2 sec) then the clunk will disapear.

73 de mike


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Re: Multiple problems - please help
« Reply #6 on: 2011-11-03, 19:04:09 »
Thanks Mike.  I already made up that cable to go to the K3 pins 1,5 and 8 for FSK and Remote On.  I have Out0 set for connect.  it still comes on as soon as I plug in the connector.

The clunk is heard on the transmitted audio, not just in the monitor circuit.  I think it is a sloppy PTT switch in the Kenwood mic.  I have a CM500 headset on the way that I plan to use and that should hopefully stop the noise.



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Re: Multiple problems - please help
« Reply #7 on: 2011-11-03, 19:08:14 »
Im sure the connection works we are many who use that cable, but you must have the pwr cable connected to the RRC otherwise the it will start as you say. When not powered the output will leak enough current for the high imp input in the K3 to be activated.

73 de mike


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Re: Multiple problems - please help
« Reply #8 on: 2011-11-10, 08:30:58 »
Mike.  When u say the power cable must be connected to the RRC I assume you mean any power source connected to the radio RRC coaxial barrel connector....correct?  That is how I have it setup now.  RRC is powered from a powerpole strip. RRC IO connected to the K3 ACCY FSK, GND and Remote pins.  If I start with the K3 off and make the connection for the remote pin (8) the K3 comes on.  This is with the two RRC connected or not.  With the two disconneted it shows OUT0 as Low. But the radio still comes on when the connection is made.



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Re: Multiple problems - please help
« Reply #9 on: 2011-11-10, 10:15:02 »

Is there still any problem ? Dont' you want the rig to start when you connect ?
