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Messages - oz1rh

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General discussion forum / Re: K3 Mini Term Mode
« on: 2017-04-10, 16:23:11 »
Hi Dwight , it seems you have the serial port of your K3 at home connected to your pc so the pc can control the K3. Then the serial cable from the Remoterig box might not be connected to the K3 and thus no control of the K3 from the K3/0-Mini. Solution: connect the  serial cable from the Remoterig box to the K3.

I have had that problem. I tried a serial Y-splitter cable for connecting both the pc (for home use with N1MM+) and the Remote rig box, but that did not work for me. Does anyone know how to connect both a RR-1258 and a pc to a remote K3 at the same time. They do not have to work at the same time, but the RR-1258 must have priority over the pc so the K3 is always able to be controlled remotely by the K3/0-Mini.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

Sri Rodolfo, I am not sure I understand your problem. Is the new fiber net router at the radio site or at your control site? I thought it was at your radio site, but now you write that all works when using a 4G/LTE router at your control site. That make me think the fiber net router is also at your control site. Maybe AGL (and SIP?) has not been disabled in the new fiber net router? Any firewall in your fiber net router?

The ports opened in my remote (radio site) router 13.000-13.002 are the same ones I see in both my control RR-1258 and radio RR-1258 when connected. All my RR-1258 have firmware 2.91 (the newest as of today).

If I understand it correctly you are only able to use your own remote 7100 after connecting to another 7100? Is this only when using the fiber net router at your control site? That would point to a problem with the fiber net router (AGL?). Are you sure you use the correct profile when trying to connect to your own remote 7100? And have you booted=reset your control RR-1258 after changing profile? That reset should be automatic after changing profile. Perhaps your control RR-1258 starts with a wrong profile after switching it on? Try selecting the right profile and resetting it right after power on. Since all worked before you got the fiber net router this should not be your problem.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

It seems you have a network problem at your remote site. I assume your new fibernet router is at your remote site where the radio is. Does the fibernet router get a public IP address on the WAN side? Have you configured port forwarding in the new fibernet router? Have you changed the IP address of the remote RR-1258 to match the IP range used on the LAN side of the new fibernet router?

How does the status page of your remote RR-1258 and the control RR-1258 look like? Any errors may point to what the problem is.

GL, Palle, OZ1RH.

Note that a VGA Y-splitter cable might not connect all 15 pins, see

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

General discussion forum / Re: CW sending screwing up!
« on: 2016-11-09, 10:19:34 »
>Apparently, my LTE connection was downgraded to 4G
You mean your control site (hotel) connection via you Iphone was downgraded to 3G. To avoid this you should lock your phone to use '4G only'. There is an app for Android which does that and probably also one for your Iphone. The only problem is that you can't  receive voice calls unless your phone and carrier supports VoLTE.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

Yes is on the WAN side of your Internet router is a private IP address which can not be accessed form the Internet. The site where your radio is needs a public IP address, but it can be either a static og dynamic IP address. I wrote something on this a few years ago on this forum. Quite a few people has problems with private IP addresses and this should be explained better in the manual.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

I doubt if getting a different router is an option since this is the only one they provide and it is set up with their sim card.
Buy another 4G/LTE router and move the SIM card from the 315 to your new router. If any config is needed take it from the B315 or ask your ISP.

I have done some searching on the net and found that indeed the router can do port forwarding..... Huawei calls it virtual network.
'Virtual network' is probably the same as 'Virtual server' or DMZ. That should mean your B315 can forward all traffic to one LAN IP address and if you set it to the IP address of your RemoteRig box you are in business.

> Is there some actual test I can run that will tell me the answer?
Log on to the status page on your 4G/LTE router and check the IP adr on the WAN side. This IP adr must be a public IP adr, not something like 10.x.x.x, not 192.168.x.x and not 172.x.x.x. Also some IP adr 100.x.x.x are not routeable on the internet and can't be used.

Note that the IP adr in question is not the one shown at various sites like but the WAN one on your 4G/LTE router. Also note that your router has two IP adresses, the LAN one you access from your pc (likely to be on a B315) and the WAN adr you are looking for.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

I considered buying a cheap Huawei B315, but since Google is my friend I found a review telling that its software does not have port forwarding. Apparently the B315 is a discount model which is difficult to use with RemoteRig. Go for the older model Huawei B593, it works.

Mobile broadband is often advertised as an alternative to an ADSL broadband line. If you bought your mobile broadband as an alternative to an ADSL broadband line require your supplier to deliver a usable router AND a public IP address open for incoming traffic. As Mitch wrote the latter might be a bigger problem than buying another 4G-router. Most likely your ISP customer service does not know what a public IP address is and they will try to sell you a static IP address.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

I have worked remote from Dayton to my radio in Europe and I even worked another ham sitting in Chicago remoting his station also back in Europe, super DX from Copenhagen to Hamburg on 7 MHz ;) I had to increase jitter buffer size, jitter delay and packet size in RRC Advanced parameters but it worked. Ping time was 100-200 mS. So bring your RRC and have fun.

My worst problem was getting a decent interconnection. I have been at places where the Wifi was so overloaded I could not even ping the default gateway (the ADSL-router) reliable.

If you are at a hotel where you have to enter a code/password on your pc your RRC might not be able to connect to the internet as the hotel check its MAC adr. which is different from your pc. Apart from changing the MAC adr. the trick is to use ICS = Internet Connection Sharing at your pc and then connect the RRC to the pc on the pc Ethernet port. The pc will then share its Wifi connection with the RRC trough the pc Ethernet port. Google 'Internet Connection Sharing' on how it is done. Note that bridging the two networks in the pc will not work, you need ICS.

At one hotel I found that the Ethernet cable in my room did not provide any DNS before entering the password. That was solved fast by entering the IP adr. of my radio site in the control RRC. I made quite a few QSO's smiling over their 'security'.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

I feed the audio to and from my IC-7100 control head to my pc trough a SignalLink and I can do remote PSK31 and other digital modes this way. I strapped the SignalLink to match the RJ45 mike in/output of the IC-7100 control head comparing the manuals of the IC-7100 and the SignalLink. Read about SignalLink here

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

I have run Nano Icom from a moving car using 4G/LTE controlling an IC-7100. I needed to increase rx jitter buffer and rx jitter delay but not as much as Mitch recommends, however 4G/LTE is important. 3G has long ping times and high jitter and needs most of the tricks of Advanced Parameters. Edge is no good. Lock your modem to 4G/LTE and hope for coverage where you are driving.

At home my control-RRC also uses 4G/LTE, which here is faster than an ADSL and latency on 4G/LTE is no issue. Some years ago I had my radio-RRC on 3G mobile broadband. It worked after I managed to get a public IP-adr, but latency was a problem, so that solution was never 100% satisfactory

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

'Other party' i radio-RRC viser bare IP adr inte MAC.

73, Palle.

Allmänt diskussionsforum / Re: Extra SIM-kort
« on: 2016-10-19, 01:49:13 »
Pas på Shared Address Space Det er offentlige IP adresser, der ikke må routes over internettet, se RFC6598. De IP adresser benyttes typisk i boligforeninger og er ikke åbne for indgående trafik og kan derfor ikke benyttes i radioenden.

Remoterig boksene bør udvides så radiodelen fungerer på alle IP adresser, altså også private. Teknisk kan det lade sig gøre ved at radio-RRC holder en session åben til en proxyserver hos RemoteRig. Control-RRC kan så connecte sig til proxyserveren som så sender trafikken videre ad den åbne session til radio-RRC. Det ligner lidt en VPN-forbindelse initieret fra radio-RRC.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

På '3's netværk i Danmark får man en offentlig dynamisk IP adresse åben for indgående trafik ved at vælge check Mon ikke der gælder noget tilsvarende i Sverige? Prøv

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

My licensed Nano Elecraft 1.5.0 does not work well for me. I have a RRC setup with K3/0-Mini to K3 with original RemoteRig cables working with no problems. All RRC's have software version 2.90.

When I start my licensed Nano Elecraft 1.5.0 and connect I get the sound from the K3 within a few seconds. However none of the controls in the Nano app on the VFO page works and neither RX S-meter nor VFO frequencies are displayed. Sometimes after 4-5 minutes the controls starts to work. However after turning the VFO wheel the VFO frequency is displayed as a difference like 2.90 or -0000.000.001 It is now possible to press and hold where the frequency should be displayed and then the box for entering a frequency is displayed. After entering a frequency it is displayed correct and turning the VFO in the app changes the A-frequency as expected. Pressing A/B and then press and hold where the frequency should be displayed let me enter a frequency in the B-VFO, which then is displayed in line B. Now the app is more or less usable, however RX S-meter still only shows -- and BW is grayed out and does not work. Mode button works but the selected Mode is not displayed. Band button works, but the indicated frequency is not changed in the app.

My phone is a HTC 10 with Android 6.0.1. It also has a licensed Nano Icom 1.5.0 installed, which most of the time shows similar problems when connecting to another site with an IC-7100. However the Nano Icom sometimes works better. Perhaps the two apps interfere? I have had situations where after using the Icom and the Elecraft application one after another a few times none of them works and the only remedy is to shut the phone down (Power off/Restarting). My old HTC One M8 with Android 6.0 experienced the same problems.

My problems seems similar to what is mentioned in however I do not get the message APP TRIAL PERIOD HAS EXPIRED and the licence indicator on 'the connect screen' is most often green Lic.ID bef5 as it should be.

Sometimes the Lic.ID bef5 is red on one or both Nano Elecraft and Icom and then often either of them ends with 'Stopped unexpectly'. After that restarting the app usually results in a green Lic.ID bef5 and the app can connect but still only works with the flaws mentioned above. After the 'Stopped unexpectly' I have sent many error reports including system data.

This looks like software errors and I would like to have my licensed Nano apps working.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

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