Author Topic: No connection with ddns  (Read 18503 times)


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No connection with ddns
« on: 2011-12-30, 13:49:31 »
Hello, My RRC 1258 for ICOM706G detachable panel connection worked well via LAN.
Last week, I tried to control from remote site via internet connection with ddns. I set ddns parameters to RRC cont. and RRC radio as stated in manual. Unfortunately I got no connection with my radio.
Also, my serial number are less than 3300, as discussed in VE2EO's case.
Please help me with some advices to solve this problem.
Thank you.  73

        ja3aop  Akira

RRC control     Firmware version = 2.050    Serial # = 2155
RRC Radio      Firmware version = 2.050    Serial # = 2185


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Re: No connection with ddns
« Reply #1 on: 2011-12-30, 14:37:40 »

Are you using the DynDNS service, or the new one from RemoteRig included in firmware 2.50?

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: No connection with ddns
« Reply #2 on: 2011-12-30, 15:41:51 »
Thank you for your prompt reply.
I am using new

73.  ja3aop/Akira


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Re: No connection with ddns
« Reply #3 on: 2011-12-30, 18:22:47 »

Then it should work ok. Maybe the manual was not clear enough, here is an extract from my checklist that I send
to help in new installations:

  - Go to the Dynamic DNS settings tab (radio RRC only)
  - Change the check interval to i.e. 10 minutes
  - Make sure the drop-down is on RemoteRig's service
  - Click on apply changes
The Microbit Dynamic DNS address is entered automatically into the "own host name" field if you use this service.

On the control RRC, place the information from the radio RRC's "own host name" on the Radio Settings tab under SIP contact. When testing at the same QTH as the radio, you should temporarily place the radio RRC's internal IP number into this field, just don't forget to change it when you take the RRC with you. Note that this address is WITHOUT a port suffix (like :1234), since the port is entered into the SIP contact field separately. Everything should work now. Just don't forget to use the Dynamic DNS address when not at the station, this is the #1 cause of the system not working when leaving your local network this first time!

73 & HNY,
Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: No connection with ddns
« Reply #4 on: 2012-01-02, 13:38:14 »

Thank you for your detail guide for me.
Before my traial I did those setup and changes.

 - Go to the Dynamic DNS settings tab (radio RRC only) : Yes

  - Change the check interval to i.e. 10 minutes : Yes

  - Make sure the drop-down is on RemoteRig's service : Yes (

  - Click on apply changes : apply change was done

The Microbit Dynamic DNS address is entered automatically into the "own host name" field if you use this service.

Yes, I will try again tomorrow more carefully.

73.  Happy New Year

ja3aop AKIRA


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Re: No connection with ddns
« Reply #5 on: 2012-01-07, 15:53:54 »
I tried RRC connection via internet with before yesterday.
Status of RRC-cont. at remote site was as below. It was looked like well. 

Status (before trial)
Name          Value
Control panel                    OFF
Radio          OFF
Connection status                    Disconnected
SIP status                       Idle
Last SIP error       None
RTP/UDP audio status                    Disconnected
UDP cmd status       Disconnected
SIP command timeout    0
Rx Jitter buffer size                    4
Rx Jitter delay                    3
Dual Rx                       0
SIP Out port       5060
SIP In port       5060
Audio Out port       0
Audio In port       0
Command Out port                    0
Command In port                    12000
External SIP In port                    5060
External Audio In port                    11000
External Cmd In port                    12000
Other party
Input 0                       High
Input 1                       High
Input 2                       High
Output 0                       Low
Output 1                       Low
Output 2                       Low
DNS status       OK, =
Active profile:                    Default
PTT status:       OFF

Program mode was 2-IC706.
I pushed the POWER SW on detached front panel of IC-706MK2G.
After about 10 sec., IC-706 became beeping [puuu  pooo piiii ],  [puuu  pooo piiii ], .......
The front panel did not light on, failed to power on.
AUX/MIC yellow LED was blinking.
When RRC-cont. was restarted, PWR green LED of RRC-cont was binking.

After this trial, status of RRC-cont. was as follows.
Status (after trial)
Name          Value
Control panel       OFF
Radio          OFF
Connection status                    Disconnected
SIP status                       Idle
Last SIP error       None
RTP/UDP audio status           Disconnected
UDP cmd status       Disconnected
SIP command timeout    0
Rx Jitter buffer size                    4
Rx Jitter delay                    3
Dual Rx                       0
SIP Out port       5060
SIP In port       5060
Audio Out port       0
Audio In port       0
Command Out port                    0
Command In port                    12000
External SIP In port                    5060
External Audio In port                    11000
External Cmd In port                    12000
Other party
Input 0                       High
Input 1                       High
Input 2                       High
Output 0                       Low
Output 1                       Low
Output 2                       Low
DNS status       Error, failed to resolve!
Active profile:                    Default
PTT status:       OFF

After this trial, PCs on same LAN ware able to connect internet. I turned off my rooter to reset it. Then PCs became able to connect internet.
And status of RRC-cont came back to before trial.

Please, any ideas for this problem.

Thank you.



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Re: No connection with ddns
« Reply #6 on: 2012-01-08, 15:07:17 »

I assume the first listing is the radio RRC and the second the control RRC?

Assuming that is correct, then were these within the same LAN at the time you tried the
tests? If they are within the same LAN, you should not use the dynamic DNS address in
the control RRC's SIP contact field, but use the internal IP address. Sometimes using the
dynamic DNS address works, but often it doesn't. Only use the Dynamic DNS address in
the control RRC's SIP contact field when not within the same LAN.

If that isn't the problem, then I am not sure how to interpret the situation, I would need
to take a look over Teamviewer or find some way to help otherwise. Or maybe Mike sees
something I don't.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: No connection with ddns
« Reply #7 on: 2012-01-09, 13:34:51 »

1st one is for RRC-cont. before pushing the power SW on IC-706 front panel.
2nd one is for RRC-cont. after pushing the power SW.

As I stated at the beginning of this thread, Remoterig 1258 pair work well on same LAN.
Problem is caused on internet connection.

I like to print here more detail status report of the Remoterig 1258.

1) RRC-Radio (at my home)
Name       Value
Company    Microbit
Product       1258
PID       0
Hardware    5
Software       2.50
Bootloader    <= 1.7
Compiler       4.1.2 (WinARM 4/2007)
Build       Dec 15 2011 15:15:54
ROM/RAM    372540/50740 
ETH-RAM    2944 (max 3kB!) 
ResetSrc       0 [3] 
Uptime       2509
Serial number    2185
MAC address    00:1e:fd:01:7f:29
IP address

Unit ID (Banner) 
DHCP       0
Dns server
Extern IP/Host
Eth-type       5
Web page user 
Web page pwd 
Program mode    2
Control panel    0
Sip password    yyyyyyyy
Sip contact 
Auto connect    0
Audio quality    2
Audio dual-rx    0
Codec out gain    255
Codec inp gain    0
Codec inp HPF Hz    3
Codec inp preamp    1
COM0 baudrate    19200
COM0 data bits    8
COM0 stop bits    1
COM0 parity    0
COM0 Program mode 3 char timeout    2
Use USB Com Port as COM0       0
COM1 mode          0
COM1 baudrate          19200
COM1 data bits          8
COM1 stop bits          1
COM1 parity          0
COM1 rts/cts          0
COM1 terminator (hex)       00
Use USB Com Port as COM1       0
COM2 mode          0
COM2 baudrate          19200
COM2 data bits          8
COM2 stop bits          1
COM2 parity          0
COM2 terminator (hex)       00
Use USB Com Port as COM2       0
UDP cmd port          12000
UDP audio port          11000
SIP port             5060
Web server port          80
Telnet server port          23
Rx jitter buffer size          4
Rx jitter delay          3
Audio packet size (ms)       20
Continuous RTP tx          0
Debug level          0
Disable audio tones       0
Full duplex          0
PTT-off mute delay          0
IP Type-of-Service (dec)       0
Yaesu power-on/off          0
Dynamic DNS check interval       10
Dynamic DNS host name       1
Own host name
Username          rrc1258-2185
Password          yyyyyyyy
Enable 0
Speed wpm [0/10-40]       0
Iambic             1
Paddle reverse          0
Weight [25-40]          30
Side tone hz [0,500-1500]       800
Side tone -db [50-0]       20
Lf delay ms [0-500]          0
Key delay ms [0-250]       0
PTT activated by Keyer       0
IN0 mode       0
OUT0 mode       0
OUT0 mode       0
OUT1 mode       0
OUT1 mode       0
OUT2 mode       0
OUT2 mode       0
USB RTS as PTT       0
USB DTR as CW       0
Enable ping watchdog    0
IP address to ping 
Ping interval (seconds)    300
Startup delay (seconds)    300
Failure count to reboot    3

Name          Value
Radio          OFF
Connection status       Disconnected
SIP status Idle
Last SIP error       None
RTP/UDP audio status    Disconnected
UDP cmd status       Disconnected
SIP command timeout    0
Rx Jitter buffer size    4
Rx Jitter delay       3
Dual Rx          0
External IP
SIP Out port       5060
SIP In port       5060
Audio Out port       0
Audio In port       0
Command Out port       0
Command In port       12000
External SIP In port    5060
External Audio In port    11000
External Cmd In port    12000
Other party
Input 1          High
Input 2          High
Output 0          Low
Output 1          Low
Output 2          Low
Dynamic DNS status    OK
Ping status (watchdog)    Off
DNS status       OK, =
Active profile:       Default
PTT status:       OFF

2)Before pushing Poewer SW on IC-706 panel,
RRC-control (at the remote site 65km from my home)
Name        Value
Company    Microbit
Product       1258
PID       0
Hardware    5
Software       2.50
Bootloader    <= 1.7
Compiler       4.1.2 (WinARM 4/2007)
Build       Dec 15 2011 15:15:54
ROM/RAM    372540/50740 
ETH-RAM    2944 (max 3kB!) 
ResetSrc       0 [3] 
Uptime       114
Serial number    2155
MAC address    00:1e:fd:01:7f:0b
IP address

Unit ID (Banner) 
DHCP       0
Dns server
Extern IP/Host 
Eth-type       5
Web page user 
Web page pwd 
Program mode    2
Control panel    1
Sip password    yyyyyyyy
Sip contact
Auto connect    0
Audio quality    2
Audio dual-rx    0
Codec out gain    255
Codec inp gain    18
Codec inp HPF Hz    3
Codec inp preamp    0
COM0 baudrate    19200
COM0 data bits    8
COM0 stop bits    1
COM0 parity    0
COM0 Program mode 3 char timeout    2
Use USB Com Port as COM0       0
COM1 mode          0
COM1 baudrate          19200
COM1 data bits          8
COM1 stop bits          1
COM1 parity       0
COM1 rts/cts       0
COM1 terminator (hex)    00
Use USB Com Port as COM1    0
COM2 mode 0
COM2 baudrate       19200
COM2 data bits       8
COM2 stop bits       1
COM2 parity       0
COM2 terminator (hex)    00
Use USB Com Port as COM2    0
UDP cmd port       12000
UDP audio port       11000
SIP port          5060
Web server port       80
Telnet server port       23
Rx jitter buffer size       4
Rx jitter delay       3
Audio packet size (ms)    20
Continuous RTP tx       0
Debug level       0
Disable audio tones    0
Full duplex       0
PTT-off mute delay       0
IP Type-of-Service (dec)    0
Yaesu power-on/off 0
Dynamic DNS check interval    0
Dynamic DNS host name    0
Own host name 
Enable 0
Speed wpm [0/10-40]    0
Iambic          1
Paddle reverse       0
Weight [25-40]       30
Side tone hz [0,500-1500]    800
Side tone -db [50-0]    20
Lf delay ms [0-500]       0
Key delay ms [0-250]    0
PTT activated by Keyer    0
IN0 mode       0
OUT0 mode       0
OUT0 mode       0
OUT1 mode       0
OUT1 mode       0
OUT2 mode       0
OUT2 mode       0
USB RTS as PTT       0
USB DTR as CW       0
Enable ping watchdog    0
IP address to ping 
Ping interval (seconds)    300
Startup delay (seconds)    300
Failure count to reboot    3

Name          Value
Control panel       OFF
Radio          OFF
Connection status       Disconnected
SIP status       Idle
Last SIP error       None
RTP/UDP audio status    Disconnected
UDP cmd status       Disconnected
SIP command timeout    0
Rx Jitter buffer size    4
Rx Jitter delay       3
Dual Rx          0
SIP Out port       5060
SIP In port       5060
Audio Out port       0
Audio In port       0
Command Out port       0
Command In port       12000
External SIP In port    5060
External Audio In port    11000
External Cmd In port    12000
Other party
Input 0          High
Input 1          High
Input 2          High
Output 0          Low
Output 1          Low
Output 2          Low
DNS status       OK, =
Active profile:       Default
PTT status:       OFF

(When connected RRC-control with LAN at remote-site, DNS status was "Unkown".
After a few minites, it turned to "OK".)
At this moment, I expected the connection succeeds.
Then I pushed POWER SW on the IC-706 front panel.
After several seconds IC-706 was beeping [puuu  pooo  piiii ] ....[puuu  pooo  piiii ] ...
The AUX/MIC yellow LED on RRC-control was blinking.
IC-706 did not turned on.

3) After pushing Poewer SW on IC-706 panel,
RRC-control (at the remote site 65km from my home)

Name         Value
Company    Microbit
Product       1258
PID       0
Hardware    5
Software       2.50
Bootloader    <= 1.7
Compiler       4.1.2 (WinARM 4/2007)
Build       Dec 15 2011 15:15:54
ROM/RAM    372540/50740 
ETH-RAM    2944 (max 3kB!) 
ResetSrc       0 [3] 
Uptime       218
Serial number    2155
MAC address    00:1e:fd:01:7f:0b
IP address

Unit ID (Banner) 
DHCP       0
Dns server
Extern IP/Host 
Eth-type       5
Web page user 
Web page pwd 
Program mode    2
Control panel    1
Sip password    yyyyyyyy
Sip contact
Auto connect    0
Audio quality    2
Audio dual-rx    0
Codec out gain    255
Codec inp gain    18
Codec inp HPF Hz    3
Codec inp preamp    0
COM0 baudrate    19200
COM0 data bits    8
COM0 stop bits    1
COM0 parity    0
COM0 Program mode 3 char timeout    2
Use USB Com Port as COM0       0
COM1 mode          0
COM1 baudrate          19200
COM1 data bits          8
COM1 stop bits          1
COM1 parity          0
COM1 rts/cts          0
COM1 terminator (hex)       00
Use USB Com Port as COM1       0
COM2 mode          0
COM2 baudrate          19200
COM2 data bits          8
COM2 stop bits          1
COM2 parity          0
COM2 terminator (hex)       00
Use USB Com Port as COM2       0
UDP cmd port          12000
UDP audio port          11000
SIP port             5060
Web server port          80
Telnet server port          23
Rx jitter buffer size          4
Rx jitter delay          3
Audio packet size (ms)       20
Continuous RTP tx          0
Debug level          0
Disable audio tones       0
Full duplex          0
PTT-off mute delay          0
IP Type-of-Service (dec)       0
Yaesu power-on/off          0
Dynamic DNS check interval       0
Dynamic DNS host name       0
Own host name 
Enable             0
Speed wpm [0/10-40]       0
Iambic             1
Paddle reverse          0
Weight [25-40]          30
Side tone hz [0,500-1500]       800
Side tone -db [50-0]       20
Lf delay ms [0-500]          0
Key delay ms [0-250]       0
PTT activated by Keyer       0
IN0 mode          0
OUT0 mode          0
OUT0 mode          0
OUT1 mode          0
OUT1 mode          0
OUT2 mode          0
OUT2 mode          0
USB RTS as PTT          0
USB DTR as CW          0
Enable ping watchdog       0
IP address to ping 
Ping interval (seconds)       300
Startup delay (seconds)       300
Failure count to reboot       3

Name          Value
Control panel       OFF
Radio OFF
Connection status       Disconnected
SIP status       Idle
Last SIP error       None
RTP/UDP audio status    Disconnected
UDP cmd status       Disconnected
SIP command timeout    0
Rx Jitter buffer size    4
Rx Jitter delay       3
Dual Rx          0
SIP Out port       5060
SIP In port       5060
Audio Out port       0
Audio In port       0
Command Out port       0
Command In port       12000
External SIP In port    5060
External Audio In port    11000
External Cmd In port    12000
Other party
Input 0          High
Input 1          High
Input 2          High
Output 0          Low
Output 1          Low
Output 2          Low
DNS status       Error, failed to resolve!
Active profile:       Default
PTT status:       OFF

I could not get connection through internet yet.
After this trial, I found that PCs on the LAN were not able to connect internet.
To recover the connection, I had to reset my router by power off.

Above is the story of my trial.
Please any idea or suggestion for this problem.
Thank you.


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Re: No connection with ddns
« Reply #8 on: 2012-01-09, 17:38:26 »

I did some testing here to try to simulate your problem, but was unable to duplicate it. I had made the
assumptions that it had either nothing to do with the dynamic DNS address, or maybe there is a problem
with port conflict on the SIP port, which is very common for 5060 and why everyone should change this
port to something else. Neither of these duplicated the messages on your status, so I am not sure what
the cause is.

I think is is therefore related to router port forwards or something along that line. I suggest you drop me a
note directly to dj0qn (at) and I will send you a simple checklist that you can go through to make
sure that your router is configured correctly. I have helped a couple of dozen OM's get their stations working
with this list, and/or by taking over their PC's for a few minutes to find the problem. Often it is a very simple
solution, like changing the radio RRC to DHCP and assigning the internal IP number through MAC address binding
in the router instead.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: No connection with ddns
« Reply #9 on: 2012-01-29, 14:12:31 »
TNX,  Mitch-san:
I got first connnection between IC-706mk2G and its separated pannel through internet by your help.
I set my router(Radio-site) "DMZ". And made some change on port numbers (5060 > 5061, 80 > 8000).
Then, I got the 1st success.
But I found some problems while several QSOs.
1) While QSO or watching, the radio was shut down suddenly several times.
2) While I was talking with my wife by VoIP phone, I tried to power on my IC-706 by pushing poewr SW down.
IC-706 was going to "ON" but something made shut down.
So, while pressing power SW, the radio was ON OFF ON OFF..... .

After those sudden shut down, the status of RRC control was keeping connection.
I think, there were the false signals to shut the radio down.

This is the short story of my last trials.

Thank you.




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Re: No connection with ddns
« Reply #10 on: 2012-01-30, 09:31:44 »
Hi Akira-san,

Thanks for the update. It appears that you are making progress, but may have a
network problem somewhere. It is difficult from your description to determine more
precisely where the problem lies.

I think you need some more testing, and change some of the settings to see if the
network performance improves. Try increasing the RX jitter and buffer, as well as
the audio packet size. Turn continuous RTP on, also make sure that your router has
SIP ALG turned off. Change your audio quality down to the lowest level (0) and see if
this improves the situation. Try taking things off the network and putting them back
on again to see if this really has an impact or not. We need to have you narrow this
down to figure out what the problem is.

Someone that has 706 experience like Simon may have some specific tips on configuration
that I am unaware of, in case that has an influence.

Let us know how you are doing!

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: No connection with ddns
« Reply #11 on: 2012-01-31, 09:18:06 »
Hi Akira-San, hi Mitch,

I never have seen the 706 (I use an 706MK2 if that matters, but I don't think so) toggle power on and off.

Maybe these questions help to narrow down the problem:
1. Does the radio really power off or does the display go blank, i.e. what about the audio stream. Is it still up (check the LEDs of the RJ45 connector where the frontpanel is connected).
2. What does the status page of the RRCs show when the radio is shutting down (control panel/radio on/off)?
3. What about the Internet connection on both sides (bandwidth, reliability of connection etc.)?

vy 73
Simon, DJ4MZ


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Re: No connection with ddns
« Reply #12 on: 2012-02-06, 09:42:21 »
Hi, Mitch-san, Simon-san.

Thank you for your posting about my trial report.

1) Radio was powered off. (Radio panel was blacked out.)
LEDs of RJ45 connector was  yellow. (Remoterig connection was  being kept.)
So, by pressing the power SW, IC-706 waked up and the panel was lighting immediately.
Also, received signal was sounding clear.

2) The status of RRC-control after shutting was <radio=off, connction status=connected>.

3) About the Internet connection,
        Control-site, 100Mbps upward and downward by FTTH(optical fiber).
        Radio-site,   100Mbps upward and downward by optical fiber+VDSL.
                          example of tested data ,  up= 40.65Mbps, down= 41.57Mbps.

I intend to try again on next weekend.

Thank you.



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Re: No connection with ddns
« Reply #13 on: 2012-02-06, 12:49:45 »

If you need any help, I can look at your setup with Teamviewer. Just remember that my time zone
is UTC+1, which means that I am 8 hours behind you. Just send me a mail directly if you need

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: No connection with ddns
« Reply #14 on: 2012-02-13, 14:05:03 »
In past try, I put RRC-radio at my home, RRC-control at my remote radio shack, for convinience of setting up.
 At last try, I changed RRC-radio and RRC-control each other. So, RRC-radio is at remote radio shack. RRC-control is at my home.
 I got remote connection through internet. Then, I enjoyed some QSOs.
But, Sudden shut down were occured  4 times while 150 minutes operation duration.
The status of RRC-contorl after shut dowen is as follows:

Name                           Value
Control panel             OFF
Radio                        OFF
Connection status      Disconnected
SIP status                 Idle
Last SIP error            None
RTP/UDP audio status    Disconnected
UDP cmd status             Disconnected
SIP command timeout    0
Rx Jitter buffer size        4
Rx Jitter delay               3
Dual Rx                        0
SIP Out port                 5061
SIP In port                   5061
Audio Out port             11000
Audio In port               11000
Command Out port      12000
Command In port        12000
External SIP In port     5061
External Audio In port 11000
External Cmd In port   12000
Other party
Input 0                      High
Input 1                      High
Input 2                      High
Output 0                    Low
Output 1                    Low
Output 2                    Low
DNS status          OK, =
Active profile:      Default
PTT status:              OFF

This is my short report for my remote connection by IC-706mk2 detached panel.

Thank you.

ja3aop AKIRA