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Messages - KC0YHM

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I have decided to press on. Here is the simple surgery required.
As noted in option 1 we are connecting to a voltage source, in this case 9.8vdc and sending it to the CAT cable on pin4.

Hello Mike...
Please read this message from the gentleman selling the CAT Cable and tell me if you agree with his suggestion....or see a problem...I like OPTION 1.

The FT-Cable-3 does require the RS232 port DTR to be set ON 100% of the time.
I have not come across Remoterig before so I just checked the set-up and manual. It does seem that it cannot set the DTR line. In fact from what I can glean from the manual, it is not connected at all internally in the remoterig unit.
So you have 2 choices and one is depending on how brave you are.
Option 1. Assuming Pin 4 (DTR) line on the 9 pin D-Type on the remote rig unit is not connected internally, you could pop a link wire from this pin of the D-Type to the 8v TTL line that is available on one of the RJ45’s. This will power the interface. This means no extra external wiring.
I would have a measure of the voltage on Pin 4 of the remoterig unit D-Type Pin 4 to make sure it is not sitting at some level.
Option 2. Open the FT-Cable-3 and take the PCB out of the shell. Pin 4 goes to a surface mount diode on the board. Wire in your DC feed to pin 4 here. 5v or the available 8v will do. Bring the new power wire through the cable clamp and fit it all back together.

Doesn't look like anyone else has ever done this with a 1000d.
I was hoping a message would pop up and tell me 'what worked'.
I've ordered a new cable to connect the RR to the radio.
Hope it works.
I'm not sure what else I can do.
What would you do?

So far, no CAT control.
I cut a serial cable in half and only reconnected pins 2-3-5.
I put it in-line, with my existing CAT cable, between my PC and the joy.
Next, I tried the cables using RR.
The results were the same with or without the cable I/we created.
No Joy.
I experimented with DTR and RTS setting.
That created 4 conditions to test.
The best result I ever had was 2 flashes of the CAT COMMAND indicator on the Yaesu.
Under normal CAT control this light blinks rapidly/constantly.
Any suggestions?

OK... I will try that this morning.
I spoke with several stations last night using the RR system audio. [RX & TX]
The audio in my headset was great and I received good audio reports from people who know me well so that part is working nicely.
Half way there...

Attached is the detail of the CAT connection to a FT1000d.
How would you wire the cable from Com2 of the RR to the CAT connector?
I connected pins 2 and 3 RR.... to pins 2 and 3 CAT.
I connected pin 5 RR to pin 1 CAT.
I stopped there.
What would you do?

Thank you for the help with the setup items.
I will build a CAT cable today and see what happens.
Thanks Mike

I have used HRD and SKYPE for years but I like the idea of simplifying the system and ending the reliance on SKYPE.
Years ago I purchased a CAT cable to connect my FT1000D to a PC running HRDeluxe.
Here is the link to the item.
Is this the correct cable to use between the RR Box and my radio?
I have set the serial settings on the RRboxes to Com1 inactive Com2 parallel to Com0.
8b-2s-0parity is set for Com0 and Com2 in all instances.
The CAT system of the 1000 operates at 8/2/0
Am I on the right track with the serial setup?

Hello all... can two [or more] clients connect to a remote radio simultaneously?

I'd like to talk to someone using RR and the old Yaesu radio.

Thanks for the reply... Are you using an FT1000d... I have a few more questions if you are.

General discussion forum / FT1000D CAT to RemoteRig Cable.
« on: 2015-05-08, 22:52:53 »
Everything going along smoothly until I reached this point... I need a cable to connect the RemoteRig box to the CAT port on my FT1000D.
Anyone else using this radio have a solution or source for me?

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