Remote Rig

RRC 1258 Support in English => General discussion forum => Topic started by: n1dmx on 2018-01-19, 19:25:21

Title: Data abort code/related to problem?
Post by: n1dmx on 2018-01-19, 19:25:21
Hi All!

Not a computer/internet guy by any stretch here, but got my remoterig up and running with my Kenwood ts-480hx, with no help(!) mid november. Was quite proud of myself! Alas, all good know. Everything operated flawlessly for about a month, which included a 12 day trip across country. Even the nano was great! For the last 3 weeks however, I can't keep the radio rrc on. Nothing anywhere has changed, that i know of. The radio rrc will shut down and become unreachable at least once a day. It is 25 miles from my home qth, so I have it on a timer to restart it every 8 hours. I have seen Data abort 0x00054ee4 called by 0x0000a628 on the radio rrc many times (though not sure if every time), and one other code once, which i jotted down and now cant locate. The only thing that is different is the temperature in the radio rrc location. Its unheated, and its been very cold lately, but i cant imagine cold enough to affect the remoterig??


Thanks & 73!
Shane n1dmx

Name   Value
Company   Microbit
Product   1258
PID   4
Version   7
HW   8
Software   2.91
Bootloader   1.10
Compiler   4.6.2
Build   Jun 16 2016 07:13:13
ROM/RAM   485636/44292
ETH-RAM   3000 (max 3kB)
USB-RAM   16376 (max 16kB)
Battery-RAM   4
ResetSrc   0 [3]
Last WD Reset   10
Uptime   0 Days, 3 Hours, 52 Mins, 20 Secs
Serial number   9844
MAC addr
Title: Re: Data abort code/related to problem?
Post by: sm2o on 2018-01-20, 09:36:23
Hi the low temp i s no problem

Data abort just shows that the internet connection is not working ok sometimes. If the RRC can't send out it's packets the memory will overrun and a data abort is created. Nothing that you can do about in the RRC it's a network issue.

73 de mike
Title: Re: Data abort code/related to problem?
Post by: IZ0JOJ on 2018-01-20, 15:53:04
same here,
after 1 year of perfect job I got this error:
Data Abort at 0x000541a8, called by 0x0004259c

What's going on? Firmware is the 2.90.
Kenwood TS 480
Title: Re: Data abort code/related to problem?
Post by: sm2o on 2018-01-20, 20:55:44
Again, data  abort DO NOT indicate any problem with the RCC. All RRC shows that sometimes, so you have to find your problem somewhere else.

73 de mike
Title: Re: Data abort code/related to problem?
Post by: n1dmx on 2018-01-21, 02:27:55
Hello Mike,

Thank you very much for your response.

If I may ask a follow up question then, any ideas on the symptoms I described? I do have the occasional issue with the audio stream or control stopping, but returns when I power down and restart the ts-480. That I can live with. My real problem is with the rrc going down and needing me to go to the site ( or use the timer) to restart. Would a data abort issue cause this to happen? As I said, this was not an issue for over a month, now it goes down completely at least once a day!

Any suggestions to steer me in the right direction are appreciated!

Shane n1dmx
Title: Re: Data abort code/related to problem?
Post by: sm2o on 2018-01-21, 09:14:04
That you loose the connection and need to reconnect again showing that you have network/internet connection problem. That you have to restart is probably  related to that. i assume that you have setup the ddns function correct so it's not just that the public ip has changed. When this happen can you still access the router and other equipment on the radio site ?.  I would try to replace the LAN-cables, Switches and router to see if there will be a difference.

73 de mike
Title: Re: Data abort code/related to problem?
Post by: n1dmx on 2018-01-21, 19:07:26
Thanks a lot Mike,  you've given me a lot to work with!

I will get to work and post my findings!

Shane n1dmx
Title: Re: Data abort code/related to problem?
Post by: VE3VEE on 2018-01-22, 14:05:05

Just buy a remote power switch so you can remotely turn on/off the power to your Radio-RRC (instead of waiting for several hours for your timer to do it).

Marvin VE3VEE
Title: Re: Data abort code/related to problem?
Post by: n1dmx on 2018-01-22, 18:18:35
Hi Marvin,

Great idea, thanks much!

Shane n1dmx
Title: Re: Data abort code/related to problem?
Post by: oz1rh on 2018-02-09, 01:36:57
I use a RIGrunner 4005i with WiFi to manage all my remote 14 V equipment, see

73, Palle, OZ1RH
Title: Re: Data abort code/related to problem?
Post by: K0NM on 2018-02-09, 16:47:55
I recently had a problem with a new TS-480 RRC system. It would lose connection every 10 minutes or so. A looked at the router log and it showed no disruption of services. So, the problem had to be with the RRC. Upon examination of the settings in the RRC Radio box, I found that I had set the PING settings to ping the router every 10 minutes or so. Obviously, the router did not respond to the ping and the RRC started to reboot. Once I disabled the PING, the RRC and the TS-480 have been on for over 30 minutes without reboot. So, unless you are in a very remote area with poor internet service, rethink setting the PING settings in the RRC.
Nizar K0NM