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Messages - Techdude

Pages: [1]
General discussion forum / Farenheit instead of Celsius
« on: 2012-08-31, 01:59:45 »
Is there a way to see temp readings in Fahrenheit instead of Celsius? Not too big of a deal to convert... Just wanted to ask....I'm using the heat/cooling control with the temp sensors... I'm also using the 1216L for remote controlling my hexbeam along with the relays for other stuff. My webswitch works terrific never an issue.

It was the cable from the rig to the rrc... doh! Everything works great. Thanks again

Yes the yellow light on both units AUXMIC lights when I press power on the RC-2000. The "control" status shows both control head and radio as on. The status on the "radio" says off. I'm emailing you settings to check. I'm going to make up another RC-2000 to control cable to try.
Thank You very much for taking the time to help me out.

Good Morning
I recently purchased and setup a remoterig system. I'm using a Kenwood TS2000X with a RC-2000 controller. Both the radio & the control units are on the same network. The problem is that when I press power on the controller (RC-2000) I hear a beep but nothing powers up. If I manually turn on the rig The controller (RC-2000) stays off but everything else audio & PTT work fine. If I connect the controller direct to the rig... the controller works correctly so believe its not a cable issue. It's like the remoterig will not pass the signal through the TTL port. I've tried holding the power button down longer but no luck. When I transmit I can hear my audio through the speaker I connected to the remote side. Both units have 2.54 software. I've rechecked jumpers & settings. Any help is appreciated.

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