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Topics - kb6vtu

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When I transmit through the RRC units on the same LAN I get a very loud humming sound heard through a separate receiver. I can also hear my voice come through a little, but mostly hum.

If I connect the Microphone directly to the radio there is no hum. If I use the cable I made to go from the RRC to the TS-2000 with an adapter allowing it to be connected to another microphone there is no hum - so I think that cable I made is OK. There is no hum on receive, only transmit with 5 watts VHF/UHF/HF.

Prior to using the TS-2000 I was using a TS-480 with these RRC units and it worked perfectly. This is just an upgrade. Everything works except for this hum on transmit.

I also tried moving the control RRC to another AC power outlet in another part of the house. The radio is running off an Astron 35M and the RRC radio is running off the 1am wall wart.

Any help would be forever appreciated.



Can anyone tell me if it is OK to use the Microphone from a TS-480 on the local side with the RemoteRig and TS-2000 on the remote side? I'd rather not cut up my TS-2000 mic cord if I can avoid it.


I've put together a cable, but not 100% sure it correct. I'm concerned that if it isn't correct I'm going to fry something. This is the cable that goes from the RemoteRig to the radio microphone input.

I cut the microphone extension cable that came with the RC-2000. I determined that the Black, Red, Shield, and White wires were the four I should use to connect in the RJ-45. I did so in that order from left to right with the clip up and the cable coming out to the left as shown in the manual on page 183.

Can anyone confirm I have done that correctly. I've never made this type of cable and using the shielding as one of the conductors seemed strange.


Hi All,
I just bought a Remote Rig and TS-480SAT. I am very excited to get this up and running. Configuring the router part shouldn't be any problem.

I am a bit overwhelmed at the instructions and what I can skip when setting the Remote Rig units. All I want to do is remote the radio head. I'm not using the IO or serial ports. The instructions seem comprehensive, but I'm confused as to whether I should try to get the networking part working first, or if all the jumpers should be put in first. I'm also not sure if I need to put all the jumpers in for the serial cable and IO ports if I'm not going to use them.

Where do I start and what sections can I skip?

Any help is appreciated?

josh bloom
KB6VTU - San Francisco, California

General discussion forum / Can I buy all cables pre-made?
« on: 2012-04-11, 19:54:44 »

I'm very interested in using a RemoteRig, but I'm concerned about making up all the cables. I'd like to use the RR with my IC-7000, but I'm willing to buy a new radio if it means can buy pre-made cables. If I buy the Kenwood TS-480SAT with the "Kenwood Microphone adapter cables" from RemoteRig will I have to do any soldering? Or would that all be plug and play?

I very capable with the routers, but I've heard that soldering the cables from the IC-7000 can be difficult? Any advice is appreciated.

Thank you,

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