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Topics - sm3jgg

Pages: [1]
Allmän diskussion / PTT problem
« on: 2012-04-28, 06:22:37 »
Installerade version 1.5.2 idag.  (på en acer med 64 bitars windows 7)
Nu fungerar inte PTT knappen på dongeln.

Någon som fått det att fungera ?

73 de SM3JGG  Staffan

General discussion / .net Installation problem
« on: 2011-05-06, 07:58:25 »
Hello !

Cant figur out hove to get newer versions of the PC Client to work on my laptop.

I tried earlier  rev 1.0.24 and now  1.2.1
After installation , then trying to start the program, i only get a dialog box about
that i had to install V4.0 of .Net Framework.....

i use swedish 64 bit wersion of windows 7 on an acer.
and hare tryed to remove and than install the .Net Framework again.
older version 1.021 and 1.0.22 works ok for me.

73 de SM3JGG  Staffan

Pages: [1]