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Topics - w7cen

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I have been trying to get a Kenwood D710 and a pair of RRC-1258MKII to work on the same network but am at a loss and need help.

I have set the jumpers and straps in accordance to the manual. I have made and remade a bunch to times the cable from radio to RRC and panel to RRC without any luck in getting the display to power up.

I am able to connect to each unit via iP and it appears they are communicating with each other.

Using all OEM equipment.. power supply etc.

Is it possible to buy the cables needed to connect radio to RRC and panel to RRC? 6” length or what ever...??? Any other ideas would be appreciated.


Greetings… I have been enjoying the ARRL DX contest this weekend as so many of us have been! But moving forward I really could use some help tweeking my remote-rig radio (Kenwood 480) / N1MM  and turbo tunner (N2VZ) configuration and REALLY hope someone can point me in the right direction as I have exhausted all search efforts.

Problem: I have a Kenwood 480-SAT with a Tarheel Screwdriver antenna which requires me to use a turbo-tunner from N2VZ.  I would like to use N1MM software and yet keep the turbo-tunner plugged in at the same time but the Kenwood only has ONE DB-9 outlet.

Is there a way to have both the turbo tunner in-line at the same time as the N1MM software and RUN REMOTE RIG?

I have tried splitters, and DB9 switches with no luck!  The remote rig setup as it has own set of DB9 outlets on the unit… but I can not figure out how to get it all working at the same time (radio, remote rig, and N1MM or any other software like Ham Radio Delux, ect)!

Is anyone using a kenwood 480-sat, remote rig, computer logging software, AND N2VZ turbo tunner at the same time?   (if so... how?)

(The remote rig boxes DO have a DB9 outlets… but I have no idea how to use them)...

Thank you for any advice you can give!

Best regards,

-Phoenix, Arizona, USA)

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