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Topics - Gerryb

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General discussion forum / Latency and Starlink
« on: 2024-08-17, 19:29:28 »
I would like fire my twin on a remote location with my Yaesu 857D.   I know long latency times stop this working using the older control of the 857.    The latency I get with Starlink is 40ms, but they say can reach 100.  Once I attempted to reach australia. before Starlink and and that did not work with a ping of 300ms!   What is the max ping time that it could tolerate?


Problem:  Remote Working for Digital Modes using FT857D

I have managed a remote setup using RRC-1258 MkII twin via reverse tunnels on RaspberryPi 4g dongle and 4g Network, and all is working with detached head at home control site.

I need a tuner so it is attached currently to the 857D’s CAT port on remote site.

But I need CAT controls as VOX does not seem to trigger when attempting FT8 tones in USB mode.  (FT8 works if I press PTT every 15 seconds!!)

It would nice to control the rig via such WSJTX (later I will tunnel the digital DATA plug via the Raspberry pi)

CAT controls can be via the microphone plug ("Undocumented feature").   I have the Windcamp T8x7 adapter at the control home site, which has a CAT port from the Microphone connection and can plug into the PC but that fails, I assumed because I cannot provide 64,000 baud the Microphone interface needs.  WSJTX and windows nor Linux do not offer the 64,000 baud rate which I assume is a fixed rate when using the microphone interface.    Or is that when using CAT for a tuner there is no CAT via the microphone port?

I am in a complete muddle with this as well, as how to use the Com1 2 ports to achieve this with tuner in place:

"You can use the RRC as a CAT kind of server. If you connect com2 via a CT-62 to the 897 then you can connect the antenna tuner to COM1 and set com1 to mode 7. The messages from the tuner will then be forwarded to/from com 1 together with the message which goes from Control-RRC to com2"     
"Connect antenna tuner to COM1" seems to require a mini din to MALE Serial plug which is not the current CT-62 cable (female). 
I am not keen on soldering up a mini din... Or is it simpler than this?    Am I making a mountain out of a molehill?   There seems to be too many ways to kill a CAT

Gerry G3WIP

RRC-1258 MKII   I had has a problem connecting with RRC-micro so brought  the remote radio home and connected on the LAN  to test.

The 857 connects on the LAN from the "home"1258, the detached  857 front panel lights up, all digits and frequency correct. Alas, this only last three seconds and the "remote" 875 clicks off.  I can turn back on again and it occurs again.

So far:

1 The 857D works as normal with panel attached.
2  All plugs sockets OK
3  Separate powers supply for RPCs changed anyway in case a power supply problem.
4  Reset RPCs and even put firmware back update.

 857 connects  but after 3 seconds clicks off.

What am I missing? its there some silly setting I am missing or not got incorrect?


General discussion / Cannot get Com ports installed
« on: 2019-04-06, 01:09:19 »
My lenova Yoga 2 Pro Windows 10
Just got my RRc micro dongle.

Running RRC micro install I do see any propmts about com ports from Futura.  A black box flashes by, and no com ports are installed.  I have tried turning of my virus protection, turned off UAC, run as admin and still no joy.   The machine had a GPS on Com12  Serial over blootooth on ports Coms 7 and 8

On another machine I get further.  The com ports install OK but I am still not communicating with my 875D with HamRadio Delux  Cannot get frequency and fails no matter which ports and speeds I chose!  SIP is OK and green line.

RPC 1258 controlled can connect OK and is working fine with the Yaesu front panel.

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Nano App FT897 etc
« on: 2019-02-23, 14:09:52 »
I log in to Check if any change to this statememt
"The Yaesu App is only tested with FT-950 but it only uses the generic CAT commands so it will probably work with most modern Yaesu radios like FT-2000, FT-5000, FT-9000 and later models. It will not work with the FT-1000x and FT-8×7 models which uses the old version of Yaesu protocol, We plan to add support for them also later"   

The later bit seems a while now.
I remain ever hopeful...

Configuration, RRC 1258 / RRC NANO YAESU 875D 897
« on: 2017-05-24, 16:33:58 »
Only when I RTFM did I twig that that the Android App does not (yet) support the old CAT commands so cannot work with these "older" popular rigs.  I know you might have enough to do but that would be appreciated!!

Gerry  G3WIP/VK0GB

Radcom RSGB magazine this month, i.e, June 2015, has my article which I wrote a over year ago about using RemoteRig_RRC1258-MkII twin in Antarctica as VK0GB.

Alas here in QLD Australia, tropical climate may have got to the same setup I used in the cold.   

I was back in the UK in April and tried to use the system from there to hear in Oz, but it turns out that the latency is just too long for front panel connection.   Now back in  Australia, testing it locally on the LAN and I find the 857D head does the same as it did when attempting to connect from the UK,  Flash, beep and nothing more.

All seems well, green steady lights and the units seem to see each other, but the radio end cannot hold the connection when I turn on from remote.  The remote end  857's head flashes and beeps but no connection.   The 857 clicks three times and stops.   I did factory resets, replaced firmware, changed power supplies.  No difference.   Any ideas?   It was working well on the LAN before I left for the UK.   The 857d connected with its head alone works fine.


Configuration, RRC 1258 / Long distance a Problem?
« on: 2015-04-06, 17:51:28 »
I ran twin with Yaesu 857 over a long LAN very well in Antarctica, over about about 2km
I used the setup well over the internet from office to home radio in the town over some 10km (probably much further, GOK how it was routed). I used the  Twin units on my LAN at home thus keeping the transceiver close to the antennas.

I thought I would attempt to listen in on local chat in Australia on my VK4BGL right from here in the UK, G3WIP.  Alas the same setup, including open ports, does not work.  I hear relay clicking at this end and the 857's screen flashes then nothing.

I had this fault one before within my home LAN, resolved by changing firmware version to an older one.  Once it failed from here I put the latest firmware on both units.

The latency of 360-400ms to my Cairns Australian connection from UK on ping. 

I have tried connecting direct and via a VPN to my Vigor router, but the error is the same.

Is there anything stupid I am missing?   Are there some settings I can make to compensate for the 380ms delay, if that is the problem.



I am sure I am missing something very simple but how do you achieve this?  That is  have CAT data available to the PC at the the control end for logging software or even HRD

My PC does not have a serial port so using the USB port.  I also have USB serial converter if needed as well

Yaesu 857 Twin standard config working very well with head of transceiver at control site.

The PC does seem to see the remotrig controller on port 31.    I just cannot get this to work using COM1 both ends, same baud rate etc and using USB as com1.



Recently I put the latest firmware as mine was May 2013 vintage.  Alas the connection was no longer stable, but seems that remoterig radio end that was crashing

After a while, perhaps an hour, on changing frequency the remote client front panel unit would go blank with a beep.  The radio itself was still on and listening. On pressing the remote front panel back on it would be slower to connect, then no sound until you moved the rf gain back and forth.  All would seem well until you changed frequency then it would crash again.  Only restarting the TX/RX 1258 unit would the system be stable for a while.

Putting back the earlier firmware resolved this error.

By the way I have never experienced the YAESU 857D lockup that was clearly detailed in the manual.  The connections stable and I never needed to reboot either the units nor 857D in weeks of operation in Antarctica. Delightful

There is the RRC-Micro PC client, but that is not needed if you have the control unit RRC-1258 with you.

I have been using the RRC-1258 pair using my 857's front panel remotely, but thought when traveling to just take the control unit and use SDR radio on the PC such as Ham Radio Delux (currently have the older free version), leaving the precious front panel at home. 

I might be being stupid, but I cannot see any details as to how to configure this, and indeed which SDR or control packages work with RPC1258 and Yeaseu 857D setup.   COM2 needs to connect to the PC, and Audio of course, but how to get Ham Radio Delux to connect has defeated me.  I am having to use a serial to USB converter; HRD does see the correct COM port.   I am sure I am missing a lot.



I gather CAT data is also available from the MIC socket, allowing you to use the rear din socket on the 897 for antenna tuners and the rest.  Has anyone done this with RK1258 and does it work? 

A nice made up cable to do so would save time....!

I used Remoterig 1258 dual on my 857D with great success in Antarctica where TX was over a 1Km away.    but now would like to use it on my 897 for remote operations at home.


General discussion forum / Power Reset via RS232
« on: 2013-05-28, 17:35:05 »
I have just bought the RRC-1258 Mk11 kit but cannot test or play with it until i am in Australia next month.   I intend to use it at Casey Station Antarctica where the rig is some 1.5km from the base....connected by fibre/ethernet.   There i have access to half rhombics.

The manual  has dire warnings about how you may have to remote reset the power on the rig as the Yaesu FT857 can lock.  The webswitch seems an over the top solution for this as i will not have any rotators (Katabatic winds rip up any Yagis)

Is there an RS232 solutlion to turn the rig on and off... and how is the ouput of the RS232 at rig end controlled by the user?


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