« on: 2015-02-23, 16:40:04 »
Remoterig and IC-7100 is a killer.
I run the ARRL test at fast CW speed during the past weekend and even-though my set-up is something advanced using serial to ethernet devices for amplifier, antenna and rotator, the baseline here is the feeling from the 7100 was just like having the radio on my desk.
That said, I went through the previous messages on the reflector and I should say that all the little issues reported (like headphone disconnects, radio doesn't turn on) are affecting my installation as well.
I faced a more complex problem that probably needs to be addressed.
I'm using 3 control units from 3 different locations with one radio and it happens that if the radio is busy, a connecting control unit doesn't get any busy or congestion tone but simply doesn't turn on.
The real problem is when the radio is available again, the second connecting unit just turns on automatically.
If the operator is not at home anymore, you are completely lost and the only way to retake control of everything is remotely reset the radio unit.
Even more worst is, I assume, radio receives messages from the second connecting unit and this results in completely freezing the 7100 panel and resuming the functionality requires a power off-on cycle of the radio.
If anyone needs more details, please let me know
73 de Max, N5NHJ (I8NHJ)
one of EL2PP, 1A0KM, JT1Y, E30GA, T77V, TT8MM, T32R, K5K, XR0X, S05X, 4O3T, BS7H, K4M, PJ7E, PJ7DX, 6Y1V, C6ANA, VP5/I8NHJ and...