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Topics - sq6mic

Pages: [1]
Hardware, Cabling, Installations / K3/0 cable preparing
« on: 2022-01-10, 19:33:15 »
I have question about connecting elecraft K3/0 with my RRC1258 MK II

In my k3/0  I have an rs 232 female port which  according to Elecraft manual  I should connect to the female port com 2  .
Suggesting  manual, I need a DB9 Male to Female  null modem cable and  adater rs232 male to male . After this I have male to female cable and 2 female sockets - this is manual bug ?? What kind of cable shoul I use ?

best wishes

Piotr SQ6DX

Hardware, Cabling, Installations / Expert AMP 1K
« on: 2017-09-19, 10:46:31 »
How do I cross the  cable to work properly with com 1 and EXPERT 1K FA (RS232 )? Will I be able to use remotely EXPERT program  - where can I find the correct version of it?

best regards

Good evening !

I have question abut using in twin two Ft2k . Posible is using 200 W on master site when i control normal 100 W version ? I have never work with ft2k but I am thinking about change my ts 480 configuration . Any expirience with twin and  dmu 2000 ?


SQ6DX Peter

Configuration, Webswitch 1216H / RC1216 L + HRD ROTATOR
« on: 2015-12-15, 21:36:04 »
Hi there,

Does  anyone have idea how to connect HRD Rotator with web controled  RC1216 L ? It is posible ??

73, Peter SQ6MIC

Configuration, Webswitch 1216H / RC 1216 + Yaesu g450 xl
« on: 2015-12-04, 23:15:30 »

has anybody have  idea how I should connetc RC1216 L with my rotator control box ?
In manual of my rotator I can't find info about pins 2 and 3 - no info about plus or minus .

 Is anyone using G 450 xl  in this configuration ?

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