General discussion forum / Lightning
« on: 2024-07-05, 00:00:32 »
I should describe it as a "power line event" blown fuse and bridge rectifier in Astron PS20 power supply. The TS480SAT survived ok the SPE1KFA powers up but does not work Laptop is ok. I replaced the supply and stripped the station down to only it and the TS480SAT and RR box running V2.95. I can connect remotely with RRC Micro and ARCP480 and it works well. I can not connect remotely with two different RR boxes and Control heads both do nothing no response at all. I installed my spare RR box and radio at the site and nothing changed, the back up was loaded with the BIN file from the site as all my other backups were lost in an HD failure. I can connect a control head to the radio TTL port and it works fine I have swapped TTL cables and the spare box and radio were not on site and I confirmed both worked at home on the LAN. I am confused as to what the problem could be. In the past I have had corrupted data in my on site modem where port address changed to ascii data instead of actual port digits. I have reviewed the data in the router port forwarding and RR box but see nothing unusual. I will soon have the ability to port forward at my home and can check my spares on the WAN in the city I have tested them on the LAN, its a 200km trip to the remote site. Any thoughts would be appreciated and hopefully inspirational as I am at a loss as to what to do next.