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Topics - sv5byr

Pages: [1]
Configuration, RRC 1258 / TS-2000 problem
« on: 2017-03-08, 07:30:19 »
My remote setup was working fine untill 2-3 last weeks.
For a reason that Im not know the connection between Control
and Remote loost from time to time but the audio pass with fair results as my Internet is not so fast.
Then, the connection problem come more and more unstable and the audio dissappears.
I buy the the Nano app for my smartphone and the audio pass and work fine but no on my Control box speaker.
I make many combinations but nothing. Here is my setup:


Name   Value
Company   Microbit
Product   1258
PID   4
Version   5
HW   6
Software   2.84
Bootloader   1.9
Compiler   4.6.2
Build   Jan 20 2015 15:18:28
ROM/RAM   472308/41972
ETH-RAM   2944 (max 3kB)
USB-RAM   15348 (max 16kB)
Battery-RAM   4
ResetSrc   0 [3]
Last WD Reset   3860867176
Uptime   0 Days, 3 Hours, 32 Mins, 25 Secs
Serial number   4188
MAC address   00:1e:fd:01:86:fc
IP address
Wi-Fi network   module not present
Unit ID (Banner)   SV5BYR TS-2000 Istrios
DHCP   0
Dns server
Eth-type   0
IP-interface   0
Web page user   xxxxxx
Web page pwd   xxxxxx
Web page user(saving)   
Web page pwd(saving)   
Program mode   4
Control panel   0
Sip password   xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sip contact   xxxxxxxxxxxx
Auto connect   0
Audio quality   0
Audio dual-rx   0
Audio left/right ch swap   0
Codec out gain   255
Codec inp gain   0
Codec inp HPF Hz   3
Codec inp preamp   1
Codec inp attenuation   0
COM0 baudrate   57600
COM0 data bits   8
COM0 stop bits   1
COM0 parity   0
COM0 Program mode 3 char timeout   2
Use USB Com Port as COM0   0
COM1 mode   6
COM1 baudrate   57600
COM1 data bits   8
COM1 stop bits   1
COM1 parity   0
COM1 rts/cts   0
COM1 terminator (hex)   00
Use USB Com Port as COM1   0
COM2 mode   4
COM2 baudrate   57600
COM2 data bits   8
COM2 stop bits   1
COM2 parity   0
COM2 terminator (hex)   00
Use USB Com Port as COM2   0
COM3 mode (USB-COMFSK)   10
UDP cmd port   12000
UDP audio port   11000
SIP port   5080
Web server port   8080
Telnet server port   23
Rx jitter buffer size   4
Rx jitter delay   3
Audio packet size (ms)   20
RTP tx mode   0
Disable audio tones   0
Audio tones -db [70-0]   30
IP identification (morse)   0
Full duplex   0
PTT-off mute delay   0
IP Type-of-Service (dec)   0
Yaesu power-on/off   0
UDP antenna-switch port   13010
UDP cmd min-data-size   0
Use common network settings   0
Check interval   10
DDNS Host name   1
Own host name   xxxxxxxxxxx
Username   xxxxxxxxxxxx
Password     xxxxxxxxxxx
Enable   0
Speed wpm [0/10-40]   0
Iambic   1
Paddle reverse   0
Weight [25-40]   30
Side tone hz [0,300-1500]   800
Side tone -db [50-0]   20
Lf delay ms [0-500]   0
Key delay ms [0-250]   0
PTT activated by Keyer   0
PTT tail delay ms [0-999]   800
Speed pot min wpm [5-99]   10
Speed pot max wpm [5-99]   40
IN0 mode   0
OUT0 mode   1
OUT0 mode   1
OUT1 mode   1
OUT1 mode   1
OUT2 mode   1
OUT2 mode   1
USB RTS as PTT   0
USB DTR as CW   0
Enable ping watchdog   0
IP address to ping   
Ping interval (seconds)   300
Startup delay (seconds)   300
Failure count to reboot   3
1: Name (SSID)   
1: Password (PSK)   
2: Name (SSID)   
2: Password (PSK)   
3: Name (SSID)   
3: Password (PSK)   
4: Name (SSID)   
4: Password (PSK)   
5: Name (SSID)   
5: Password (PSK)   
6: Name (SSID)   
6: Password (PSK)   
7: Name (SSID)   
7: Password (PSK)   
8: Name (SSID)   
8: Password (PSK)   
Name   Value
Radio   ON
Connection status   Disconnected
SIP status   Idle
Last SIP error   None
RTP/UDP audio status   Disconnected
UDP cmd status   Disconnected
SIP command timeout   0
Rx Jitter buffer size   4
Rx Jitter delay   3
Dual Rx   0
External IP
SIP Out port   5080
SIP In port   5080
Audio Out port   11000
Audio In port   11000
Command Out port   12000
Command In port   12000
External SIP In port   5080
External Audio In port   11000
External Cmd In port   12000
Other party
Input 1   High
Input 2   High
Output 0   Low
Output 1   Low
Output 2   Low
Dynamic DNS status   OK
Ping status (watchdog)   Off
DNS status   OK, =
Active profile   Default
PTT status   OFF
Antenna-Switch (IP)   not connected
Common network settings   No



Name   Value
Control panel   OFF
Radio   OFF
Connection status   OK
SIP status   Connected/transfering
Last SIP error   None
RTP status   Excellent(60)
UDP cmd status   OK(45)
SIP command timeout   0
Rx Jitter buffer size   4
Rx Jitter delay   3
Dual Rx   0
Current audio packet size   20
Current audio quality   0 - alaw 8 kHz
SIP Out port   5080
SIP In port   5080
Audio Out port   51540
Audio In port   11000
Command Out port   12000
Command In port   12000
External SIP In port   5080
External Audio In port   11000
External Cmd In port   12000
Other party
Input 0   High
Input 1   High
Input 2   High
Output 0   High
Output 1   Low
Output 2   Low
DNS status   OK, =
Active profile   Default
PTT status   ON
Common network settings   No

any idea....???

Feature Requests / RRC-Nano Memory function
« on: 2017-03-02, 08:18:52 »
How about to put a memory function to RRC-Nano ??
Its difficult to use radio only at VFOs. There is no any way
to put subtones (also missed) but if MEMory button is
present the preset memories can incude all that I need.
My TS-2000 can be a ...rocket after this improves.

Thanks in advance

SV5BYR    Mike

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Can not conect and message
« on: 2017-02-14, 20:58:11 »
Hello all,
Sundendly the last 3 days I can connect to my remote and I have this message :   

 Saved error message:
Data Abort at 0x0004ac14, called by 0x0004a27c

Clear messages

Any idea??

General discussion forum / Triathlon DX Contest....
« on: 2015-02-02, 09:33:19 »
GET READY FOR the next contest
ON Sat 07/02/2015

A triathlon is a multi sport event involving the completion of three continuous and sequential endurance events. The word "triathlon" is of Greek origin from τρεις or trei (three) and αθλος or athlos (contest). While many variations of the sport exist, triathlon, in its ham form, involves the three most popular modes CW, SSB and RTTY.

Triathletes compete for the biggest score in its Radio Amateur variation. Amateurs around the world will try to be the Ironham (the winner in original Triathlon called Ironman) and contact other amateurs in as many countries as possible and as many Greeks amateurs as possible...


Don't forget: we are on CW the first 8 hours, after that on SSB and finally on the RTTY. See the rules for details...

General discussion forum / ]Triathlon DX Contest
« on: 2013-01-19, 07:29:18 »
Get Ready for the first Triathlon DX Contest at Saturday, 2/2/2013
RTTY, SSB and CW in a single contest!!!

A big surprise award!!!

Team contesting and many more...
Details including rules in English, Italian and Greek in our site

General discussion forum / TS-2000 CW problem.
« on: 2013-01-08, 19:45:12 »
Hello and Happy New Year to all,

So far I using my TS-2000 on voice only. Trying to setup the CW operation on remote I realize that my radio is not keying at all...
I have test on remote site the straight key input and works fine with my straight key and also with a homemade COM port keyer (with 4N25). Connecting the key output  from the box to Radio and trying from my Base nothing is happened. I make all combinations on 3,5 mm stereo plug but nothing... I make also all combinations on software but nothing.

 Any Advice pse???

General discussion forum / TRIATHLON DX Contest
« on: 2012-03-11, 22:43:25 »
Triathlon DX Contest announcement
It all started in August of 2011. That was about when it occurred to Mike, SV5BYR that a big Greek Contest was missing from international Ham Radio Contest Calendar.  By the end of September this idea became mature and so the  "Triathlon" was born! A triathlon is a multi- sport event involving the completion of three continuous and sequential endurance events. And as you have already guessed, it is a Greek word. We had to change a bit the name to Triathlon Dx Contest to match our activity. Actually, trying here to simulate the original Triathlon athletic event, we involved three major ham radio modes, SSB, CW, RTTY. It will be a 24 hour non-stop event divided in three sections, each one devoted to a different mode. There are some tentative rules of the contest that you can take a look. It will take place every Saturday, the 1st full weekend of February, debuting on 02-02-2013.

After all, what makes this particular contest unique is the special gift for the winner! (take a look to the prize page)

In this point we have to mention all the Greek amateurs who are working to make this event alive: SV1DPI, SV1NK, SV2AGW, SV2DCD, SV5BYR, SV7JAR, SV8CS, SV8RX, SV9GPV, SV9DJO…
There is still a lot of work to be done and more details to be announced. Stay tuned!

More here:

General discussion forum / RRC-1258MkIIs on my blog....
« on: 2011-10-11, 10:01:48 »
Here is the description of my second installation:


Hello all,
Im using a Fritz Router that uses the 5060 port for VOIP telephony. How to change the SIP port to another to avoid the blocking on port forwarding ???

TNX in Adavance Mike

General discussion forum / A new Idea ...
« on: 2010-02-08, 23:41:04 »
Hello dear Mikael,
I think is time to put the project in other ham radio service also.
Lets say for a stand alone EchoLink server.
All we know that the echolink have to run to an a PC with all that crashes and working problems. Can put all this in a box as you make it already ?? That will solve many problems and will make the Echolink more ...compact.

Best regards and Im looking forward for your answer.

(BTW did you see the Echolink app on Iphone ?? is awesome and FREE !!!)

General discussion forum / RRC 1258 presentation
« on: 2009-04-03, 18:46:27 »
Hello all,
at "5-9 Report" web Ham Magazine of March is a presentation of RRC-1258 by me.
Check it here.
Hope to increase your customers Mikael from Greece.
73s Mike

General discussion forum / TS-2000
« on: 2009-03-29, 10:20:19 »
Hello to all,
I just receive my RRC-1258 pair for General Kenwood use.
Great construction and easy assembled. I make all configurations, and I see that the boxes talk to each other (leds bliking)
The problem is that no any luck to "see" the TS-2000 at radio side box.
The system is cpnigured to work at my lan before to take at remote site.
I suspect that maybe is my router configuration and I nedd your help. My router is a FritzBox Fon.
Also adetailed howto configuration for DynDNS will be helpfull for all us.

TNX in advance SV5BYR

General discussion forum / USB port
« on: 2009-03-11, 06:41:31 »
Hello all,
for what used for the USB port ??
Can be used for Internet via GSM USB stick for example too ??
Or is for an extra USB to COM adapter ??

General discussion forum / Paypal Payment PSE
« on: 2009-03-03, 04:35:32 »
Its very simple for us to pay via PAYPAL.
Possible ??
TNX in Advance

Pages: [1]