Feature Requests / Digi modes (WSJT-X, JTDX ...) remote on Kenwood TS-480SAT
« on: 2020-04-03, 09:24:04 »
I'm using RRC-Micro PC Client with dongle and computer for phone contacs now.
See attached photo - TS-480SAT front / RRC-Micro PC Client set up.
I'm searching for detailed, step-by-step advices re. equipment, programs and settings for alternative possibilities to use F8, F4 or similar modes remote (on control side) with TS-480SAT with above set up.
How-to set up with DXLabSuite (Commander), FLDigi/FLrig, HamRadioDeluxe or similar Suits; two or more virtual cables.
73 de Alf OH6IH
I'm using RRC-Micro PC Client with dongle and computer for phone contacs now.
See attached photo - TS-480SAT front / RRC-Micro PC Client set up.
I'm searching for detailed, step-by-step advices re. equipment, programs and settings for alternative possibilities to use F8, F4 or similar modes remote (on control side) with TS-480SAT with above set up.
How-to set up with DXLabSuite (Commander), FLDigi/FLrig, HamRadioDeluxe or similar Suits; two or more virtual cables.
73 de Alf OH6IH