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Topics - ik4gni

Pages: [1]
Hello de IK4GNI

I can't connect the two remoterig together and so the two kenwood ts590sg don't turn on >:(

I already made a post on general discussion "remoterig ts590sg (connection problem)".

I also posted some supporting pictures.

If anyone can help me?

Thanks Luca - ik4gni

Hello from Luca IK4GNI.

I cannot connect two kenwood ts590sg with remoterigs.

1) The two remoterigs do not connect to each other (mod. firmware 2.95)

2) I don't understand what the problem is (?)

3) I have followed the instructions on the remoterig site to assemble the CAT cables, radio/mic etc... correctly or not? (jpg attachment)

4) I followed the instructions of the remoterig internal strapping or not? (jpg attachment)

I am looking for someone who is using two ts590sg?

Someone who has CAT cable assembly diagrams, Remoterig internal plug setting (jpg attachment) >:(

Internet configurations of the two remoterigs?

Are there any special configurations in the menu of the two ts590sg?

If you want mail-direct: olivetiluca(at)

Thanks for HELP!

73 de IK4GNI

Pages: [1]