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Topics - W1NN

Pages: [1]

I have a TS-480 with a set of RRC-1258MKII.  It is all set up and working fine.  I am able to send pretty good CW using a paddle plugged into the Control RRC. 

The next thing I would like to do is set up to operate contests from my Vista laptop on which Win-Test contest software and k1EL's Winkeyer USB is installed.  This setup works fine with several non-remote radios I have tried it with.  Below I describe my unsuccessful effort to make this work.

The manual on page 65 states: 


USB – Control-RRC:

A PC with straight-key functionality can be used to perform the keying, alone or in
combination with a CW-paddle. To activate keying the PC could use the DTR signal in the
virtual USB COM-port delivered by the RRC USB device. The PC control works in parallel with
the CW-paddle so it is possible to shift between PC-keying and the CW-paddle without
changing the configuration.


I really don't understand the second sentence in the above paragraph very well.  There is no diagram showing how to hook into the USB, but here's what I did:  I connected the output of the Winkeyer USB (two wires) to pins 3 and 4 of the USB jack on the Control RRC (I also tried pins 2 and 4).  Then in IO Settings in the Control RRC software, I checked "yes" to "USB as DTR CW" and saved my change.  Then I tried sending a message from Win-Test running on my laptop but it does not work.  I'm guessing that there are other steps I need to take, but I can't figure out what they might be.   I have not made any changes in the Radio RRC settings but I wonder if this could be the problem.     

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?  Or is there an easier way to accomplish my goal of sending CW using Win-Test contest software?  (Note;  the laptop I am using uses Vista and has only USB ports.  I do have access to an XP computer which has a serial port and N1MM contest software if that would be somehow easier to use.)

Thanks in advance for any guidance and assistance.

73,  Hal W1NN   

Configuration, RRC 1258 / RRC Manager
« on: 2011-06-26, 00:20:41 »


I am still confused and stuck on step 4.  I am obviously at a much lower level of computer and networking knowledge than most on this list.  I am really struggling with all this terminology.  Thanks to Walt W6SA for your response to my previous posting.

I am attempting to work my way through the instructions one at a time. 

Can someone please tell me if the RRC Manager referred to in the "Configuration with Microbit Setup Manager" (page 27 of the latest version of the User Manual) is the same thing as the "Setup Manager"?
If it is something different, where do I find it?  The instructions on page 27 say that the RRC Manager can be found at the website, but I can't find anything by that name in the downloads section.  I wonder if the "RRC Manager" is the old name for the "Setup Manager." 

Configuration, RRC 1258 / CAT5 Patch cables, USB, or Both?
« on: 2011-06-24, 22:10:21 »

I am a new member of the forum and a new owner of the RRC 1258 system.  I am attempting to set things up and trying to follow the "step by step system setup" instructions on page 9.

I am confused by steps 3 and 4.  They read as follows:


3. Connect both units with CAT5 patch cables to the same Ethernet switch or router as
your PC which you will use to setup the system is connected.

4. Download the Microbit Setup Manager and the latest firmware from to your PC. Follow the instructions about how to install the
Microbit Setup Manager (see chapter Configuration with Microbit Setup Manager).


In step four, “Configuration with Microbit Setup Manager” is a link which takes you to instructions that begin on page 23.  These instructions tell you to hook up a USB cable.

Am I supposed to hook up the CAT5 patch cables as instructed in step 3 or the USB cable mentioned in the link from step 4?  Or am I supposed to use both?

Clarification would be greatly appreciated. 

Many thanks & 73

Hal W1NN
Medina, Ohio USA

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