« on: 2014-12-18, 23:56:55 »
Hi All,
Hi have tried to sort out a com issue with RRC Micro version, xxxx.13, xxxx.14 and the latest xxxx.15.
If I use RRC Micro version BETA2 all is working as normal. I just start the RRC Micro client software and all is working fine. I can start and stop, exit TRX-Manager start again and all is as normal.
If I use RRC Micro version, xxxx14 or xxxx15 I can always start the RRC Micro then connect using TRX-manger. I can open the cat port and close it all day long and it work. If I EXIT TRX-Manger and start TRX-Manager again and try to connect with Cat, I can send the command but the radio will not update any i.e. frequency etc. Sometimes I get and errors say “port already open”. If I Exit TRX-Manager, EXIT RRC Micro, rebooting the PC and start again I can always connect the first time but as soon as I have EXIT TRX-Manager ones the problem comes back.
Is this related to my PC? If I uninstall and install RRC Micro client BETA2 all is back to normal again. I will leave this to the experts I have spent 10-15 hours and this is my final result. Is there anyone that is using RRC Micro with similar problem?
I am uisng W7 64bit and latest firmware in RRC Radio.
73 Rune LA7THA