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Topics - w7ao

Pages: [1]
General discussion / COM 1 with version 1.5.1
« on: 2012-04-13, 23:06:30 »
COM 2 has been working so well with any CAT software I have tried, I wanted to try using RRC-micro to monitor my Expert 1K-FA Amp on COM 1.  I have been doing this using a RRC-1258 to RRC-1258 for some time.  I have set RRC-micro COM 1 to use virtual COM 2 and the Expert 1k-FA software seemed to like COM 2; but I have not been able to send or receive any data from the amplifier.  I have put a RS-232 monitor in the line between the amp and the RRC-1258 box and I never see any RXD or TXD activity.  I do see a green light blink on the RRC-Micro COM 1 every second or so which appears that the software is polling the amp for data.  I have tried using both CHAR by CHAR settings and User defined settings with a terminor of 0d ( this is what I use with the RRC-1258 to RRC-1258).

I see from the forum that some people have been using COM 1 for rotor control, so I must be doing something wrong.  Anyone have any ideas?

Russ, W7AO

General discussion / Version 1.5
« on: 2012-04-05, 23:33:04 »
I was very exceited to see version 1.5; however I can not get it to work properly.  I can connect to the RRC box.  When I connect, the radio turns on and I receive audio just like previous versions.  I can never get COM 0, COM 1 or COM 2 to show green.  In fact the COM 0,1 and 2 lights on RRC Micro never do anything.  I cannot connect to the radio using PCC-2000 or FT2000RC.

I set RRC Micro to have COM 2 use COM 3 on my computer and both PCC-2000 and RT2000RC now show COM 3 as a valid port.

Russ, W7AO

General discussion forum / It would be nice if....
« on: 2012-02-19, 06:48:42 »
I am using the RC-1216H as a rotor controler.  It would be nice if we had another button beside the POWER button that would control the AUX SW1 relay.

Russ, W7AO

General discussion forum / Back to the Future
« on: 2012-01-29, 16:29:24 »
I received my RC-1216H on January 21, 2012.  It was shipped on December 26, 2011.  The box was received with firmware version 2.1.  The latest firmware now available on the WEB site is version 2.01 dated 2012-01-24.  It appears that I have firmware that will not be available for several months in the future!  OOOOhhh!!!!! HI

Russ, W7AO

General discussion / Exactly what is wrong!
« on: 2011-11-19, 15:25:02 »
I have owned RRC-Micro for six months and it is useless for me.  It only works with HRD but HRD requires that the radio be ON inorder to connect.  It is unacceptable to have my remote station ON 24/7.  I use the Yaesu FT-2000 and both DF3CB's excellent program FT-2000RC and Yaesu's CAT program PCC2000 will turn the radio OFF/ON but RRC-Micro will not work with these programs.  Microbit please tell us, your customers, why RRC-Micro will not work with any program that uses a serial port and is there any hope that it will ever work.  IT IS TIME TO BE HONEST WITH US!!!!

Russ, W7AO

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