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Topics - dk3pz

Pages: [1]
General discussion forum / WSJTX SuperFox and RCC
« on: 2024-07-22, 17:19:29 »
Since years WSJTX runs fine with my IC7100 via RCC 1258
The new version with SuperFox has problems to take over the frequency of the rig into the computer ; message : Hamlib Error
The only way to solve the the problem is to use e.g. FlRig for rigcontrol instead of the direct IC7100 configuration
any other ideas ?

General discussion forum / Update
« on: 2023-09-10, 10:12:42 »
Hi, you have announced an update Version 4.92  May, 10th
but I can find only  4.91 May, 10 th
I have installed it and got a short warning; but it is working

Back to version 4.59 again
73, Hans, DK3PZ

Product   1216H WebSwitch
Model   HAM
Software   4.59
Hardware   1
Bootloader   1.9
Build   Dec 10 2019 13:16:00
S/N   1732
PID   4

Since some time the timeout disconnect doesn`t work properly after switching OFF the rig (IC7100)
Using "Automatic Control" for different antennas and I only can force "OFF" by pushing the button "ALL OFF"  but still shows a value "Current Frequency"

Any solution ?   73, Hans

Configuration, Webswitch 1216H / Automatic Antenna Selection
« on: 2019-06-10, 09:42:50 »
Hi, I just made an update (Web Switch) from Ver. 4.11  to Ver. 4.47 and now the automatic antenna selection is out of order; ICOM Adress still the same and I can`t find changes in other settings
Bootloader 1.9
After changing back to Ver. 4.11 everything works ok again

hw nw ?

73, Hans, DK3PZ

Configuration, Webswitch 1216H / 1216H CI-V configuration
« on: 2017-03-06, 15:02:24 »
From where I can get the value for the second configuration row  = "e1" ; first row "48" is the CI-V adress of my IC706 used for automatic antenna selection

Function Type                       = '4'
ICOM CI-V/XK2000 Transc. Addr.(hex) = '48'
ICOM CI-V/XK2000 Contr. Addr.(hex)  = 'e1'

73, Hans

General discussion forum / CI-V Interface
« on: 2016-07-29, 13:45:00 »
I am using the CI-V port from my IC 7100  togeather with the Webswitch 1216H for an automatic antenna selection at the remotelocation.
How would it be possible to use the new CI-V Interface also to get the informations to the control side ?

I will change from IC706 to IC 7100 and saw in the manual page 23 that for all ICOM radios JMP2 is used

Control-RRC only: JMP-2 is placed near the back of the RRC next to the RESET button. JMP-2
is used to select if the DC-power to the front panels should be 8 or 9 V. With the strap in
place it will be 8V, which fits all ICOM radios. Without the strap the voltage will be 9V, which
fits Kenwood TS-480 and RC-2000 panels that need 9V for the back-lighter.

Page 108 shows : NO JMP2 for ICOM IC 7100

Is it ok or a mistake ?

General discussion forum / Data Abort
« on: 2016-01-02, 14:26:24 »
Data Abort
0x0004a8a4  called by 0x0004a8a0
It happened from time to time and the connection (IC706) stopped; what does it mean ?

73, Hans

For AVM Fritz!Box I have to use PIN 4 and 5 from RJ45 for the DSL Signal.
Is there a strapping area for configuration inside of the filter box ? 73, Hans

General discussion forum / webswitch 1216H malfunktion
« on: 2012-10-04, 11:15:11 »
Vers. 2.8 was working fine since Sept., 19th as Remote Control for Power Supply and Antenna Selection of the Remote Station of mine.
Since today I have the following malfunktion: After Login I choose "Set Relays" and appox. 2 sec later I was routed to "" same happens at all other positions.....always routing to; that makes operating nearly impossible.
I tryed Reset of the Webswitch as well as Reset of the Router (FritzBox) without any success
I am operating via internet; I did not examine the Webswitch in LAN because it is too far away ;-)
Any idea ? TNX Hans, DK3PZ

Pages: [1]