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Messages - sm2o

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General discussion forum / Re: RRC not connecting
« on: Today at 09:39:54 »

Send export settings (html) files to

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: rc 1216 via ip
« on: 2024-09-02, 14:22:06 »
i don't know what you mean by
"My rs232 of the ts2000 is occupied by CCR in the tower."

if you mean that you allready have connected the Radio-RRC to the Radio-CAT port all is OK

The AS-1289 talks to the Radio via the CAT cable, the RRC does not know anything about the radio, it only transfer data

but if you already us com 2 for controlling the radio all is OK as the AS-1289 can share the connection with the control software.

So if you set Radio-RRC settings with the correct ip nummer (radio-RRC) and correct port(13010)  and serial setting to 9600 it should work and on the main page you should see the "Current frequency" following the radio

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: rc 1216 via ip
« on: 2024-09-02, 13:54:25 »
Kenwood (IF) is what you normally use if you want the AS-1289 to ask for the frequency from the radio.
remeber that you need to have a CAT cable from the Radio-RRC com2 to the Radio CAT port
com 2 should be set to mode 4 and that all three set to the same baudrate

73 de mike

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: Settings for Winkey use only?
« on: 2024-09-01, 18:47:28 »

compared to the bandwidth that the 6600 needs the Remoterig audio is negligible, so you can use audio quality 2 , no data is sent so it's only the audio which needs bandwidth

73 de mike

Konfiguration av RRC 1258 / Re: RRC-1258 MkII
« on: 2024-08-17, 20:32:13 »

Du måste nog vara mer specifik i din frågeställning om man skall kunna hjälpa dig.

Det finns ingen standard inställning som funkar för alla radio och alla Nätverksanslutningar

Att du bytt dator innebär normalt inte att några ändringar i Remoterig krävs

Om du bytt Routern på Radiosidan så måste portforwarding sättas upp i den nya routern. Ev måste IP addressen ändras i Radio-RRC om den nya Routern inte använder samma LAN IP-addresser

73 de micke

General discussion forum / Re: Latency and Starlink
« on: 2024-08-17, 20:24:39 »

This has not been an Issue for many years as Internet latency has imporved.

I found a answer I gave you in 2015

We do not have any documentation about it, but some where between 200-300 ms I think the limit is.

Remember that ordinary Starlink plans do not include public IP so you must have a business plan in the Radio end if you want to use Starlink

73 de mike

There is no pdf manual only instructions at

There is no default password. The password settings are blank when delivered.

if you have the unit public reachable it can be robots which have set the password it has happened many times so always set  password.


It's a standard USB cable . A to Mini



connect the USB cable between the Webswitch and your PC. Start the Microbit Setup Manager program. Under the advanced tab you can select "set default settings". after that you can start over with the settings

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: Webswitch 1216H ?
« on: 2024-07-11, 17:45:19 »

Limmared has stock

Microbit ddns is working, and there is a second choice for a commercial ddns service also

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: Lightning
« on: 2024-07-05, 11:27:29 »
If you can control the radio from RRC Micro but not from a Control-RRC it's probably the RJ12 interface which is damaged in either the radio or the Radio-RRC. When using RRC-Micro only the comport is used for CAT but when using a Control-RRC and a Control Panel the RJ12 interface is used

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: I/O settings for paddle
« on: 2024-07-01, 07:41:58 »
LF delay only mutes sidetone from the radio, if you can turn off sidetone in the radio you don't need it. For the "Key delay" is no otherway than testing to increase it, no measurements

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: I/O settings for paddle
« on: 2024-06-28, 09:41:02 »
It's not the I/O settings which is important it's the Keyer settings. Keyer should be activate, and the most important setting is "Key delay" which set the buffering before the CW is sent. It should be set to minium 50 ms if you work over the internet. If you still get garbled keying it's because of Internet Jitter and you need to increase the Key delay setting even more

73 de mike

Feature Requests / Re: Auto connect (adjustable time)
« on: 2024-06-12, 11:17:16 »
Tyvärr blir det inga specialfunktioner. 2820 är väldigt speciell i sitt beteende, vilket gör det ännu svårare. Trots det har jag en här som är uppkopplad mot ett berg 24/7

73 de micke

Send an email to Limmared and ask them about it?

73 de mike

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 203