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Messages - 9a4na

Pages: [1]
General discussion forum / Re: DDNS server unreachable
« on: 2023-05-26, 11:29:01 »
I'm debugging
It is working!
Thank you!
73 Zeljko 9a4na

General discussion forum / Re: DDNS server unreachable
« on: 2023-05-26, 08:06:01 »
Good morning. Same here this morning. Green led keeps on blinking. :(
73 Zeljko 9A4NA

Hello to the group.
Have been using remoterig for couple of months configured with great help of my friend e72x without problem.
Since this morning I am unable to connect with green power led blinking.
Noticed this morning that web site was unavaliable.
Could it be that I can not obtaing ip address at the moment?
What should I do?
Thank you.
Zeljko 9a4na

Pages: [1]