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Messages - W1UE

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General discussion forum / Re: Troubleshooting
« on: 2023-04-29, 16:03:27 »
Are you trying to use the DDNS to connect?  That often won't connect over a LAN.
Try changing to the IP address of the unit and see if that connects.

Dennis W1uE

General discussion forum / Re: Using RRC-1274 with N1MM+
« on: 2023-02-24, 13:00:52 »
Dan, been doing so for 8 years.  Works fine.  Let's take this offline and get you set up.

Dennis W1UE73 at

when on the same network, I've found it works best if there is no DDNS.  Use the IP address of the unit that you are trying to connect to.  If you have a DDNS and password, before you change it make sure and write both of them down and save them somewhere.  Or, if you have an available profile, make a different profile for local IP usage.

Dennis w1uE

It sounds normal.  Its a signal for no internet or no connection to a radio.  If you're trying to
access a shared station, someone else may already be connected,

Dennis W1UE


That's easy enough.  Just make sure you get the correct 15 pin plug!
If you're going to play in CQWW CW, make sure to work us!  I'll be at HQ9X, M2.

Dennis W1UE

GM Paul, is the ACC plug installed into the K3S? (and check both ends)  That carries the turn-on signal from the RRC to the K3S.

Dennis W1UE

I have a control unit with a bad speaker jack.  Does anyone have the part number for it, or
suggestions on where I can get one?

Dennis w1uE

I have the same problem with one of my Control RRCs, affecting the SPKR Audio.  The jack seems to be bad; if I put a little pressure on the plug, everything is fine.  If its not in the jack exactly right, low SPKR output is the result.  For now, i put a clothespin on the cable and that's enough weight to keep the connection good.  Sooner or later I'm going to have to replace that jack.

Dennis W1UE

General discussion forum / Re: K3 CAT and PTT at remote site
« on: 2022-08-08, 13:56:21 »
Frank, I"ve had the above working for the past 5 years.  If you can't get it working, drop me an email and we'll walk you through it.

Dennis W1UE

General discussion forum / Re: Is the DDNS down?
« on: 2022-07-14, 19:36:42 »
I went ahead and entered the IP address with the port.  Temp until the DNS server gets going again. 

Since its been out a while, my best guess- and that's all this is- is that they are on holiday, and
the DNS server won't be back on until Monday at the earliest.

Dennis W1UE

General discussion forum / Allowed SIP Password Characters
« on: 2022-04-24, 22:22:21 »
What characters are allowed for a SIP password?  It appears that the password can be 11 characters long, and small letters, capital letters, and numbers are allowed.  Are any punctuation marks also allowed?

Dennis W1uE

General discussion forum / Re: SIP Out Port keeps changing
« on: 2022-01-28, 17:13:42 »
We changed the SIP Port in both the Remote and Control RRCs from 5080 to 5083.  The SIP Out Port on the Remote RRC, as specified on the Status Report, has stopped changing, and it stays at 5083.  The RRCs now connect immediately, and the delays in the frequency information being sent to the Control RRC are gone.  Tuning the Control RRC results in an almost immediate change in the Control K3 display.

Not sure why changing that did anything, but it now seems to work as the other RRC setup.  I'll be on the contest this weekend using the remote station (major snowstorm on USA East Coast
tomorrow, so I'll get a chance to document and make sure the issue is gone.

Dennis W1UE

General discussion forum / SIP Out Port keeps changing
« on: 2022-01-26, 23:49:22 »
I have a site with two RR units, both Remote boxes, to support and SO2R setup.  One of the boxes I can connect to and its solid; the other box I can connect to but, in particular, it has problems sending data back to the Control unit.  I can tune the Control Radio, and the Remote Radio responds, but the display on the Control radio doesn't update.  After some seconds later, it often updates, but not always.  Audio is usually solid, using an audio quality of 8.  Yes, the UDP Cmd port, UDP Audio Port, and SIP Port on the two RRCs are different.  As I look at the Status Pages of the two RRCs, I see the RRC that's working fine has a SIP Out Port and SIP In Port of of 5081; everytime I go back to that Status page, I see the same port of 5081.  For the RRC that's not updating the Control unit, I see a SIP In Port of 5081 and a SIP Out Port of 7384; that SIP Out Port changes.  One time its 7384, then 8649, then 6177, and so on.  Every time I update that status the SIP Out Port changes. 

I'm looking for something to fix the poor response of one of the RRC units; does this SIP Out Port changing have anything to do with it?

A little more info- we have had this problem for some time with one of the RRC units; the problem comes and goes.  It existed before we put the second RRC at the remote site, and were pleasantly surprised when the second RRC unit did not have the problems that the first unit had.  Any suggestions are welcome.

Dennis W1UE

I had the same issue with the Remote Rigs.  I built a 20dB audio attenuator designed for 600 ohms input/output impedance, and put it between the audio output of the soundcard and the input to the Remote Rig.  While I originally did it to operate Digital modes, it should work on this also.  That reduced the audio output to a level that the RR units could handle.

Mirko, while this doesn't answer your question, I originally used the ComExtra for FSK but, with the rise of the FT Modes, I converted over to AFSK.  Since I had already set up the RR units for SSB, adding AFSK and FT4/8 was really already done.  Just something you might consider.   Dennis W1UE

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