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Messages - SM5PHU

Pages: [1] 2 3

Jag tog lite tid på mig, eftersom jag ville vara på plats och kunna höra att kontaktorn klonkar när jag tror att den ska göra det.
Manualen är inte helt lättbegriplig om man bara vill göra något så simpelt som att använda webswitchen som en rumstermostat.
Så här ser det ut just nu, återstår att se om det funkar som jag tror.

Only having experience in the IC-706, this may not be exactly on the mark, but anyway...

Your IC-7100 should be set up for straight key CW. Check that it keys as expected when plugging your paddle or a straight key into the KEY socket on the radio. (Certainly it will not key correctly if set up for a straight key if you plug a paddle in, but it should still be "as expected".)

Then CW keying needs to be enabled in your RRC. That's the next step...

Jonas SM5PHU

v4.117 verkar inte riktigt frisk. Efter att jag ställde tillbaka till <Manual relay and temp reading> fick jag ett kryptiskt felmeddelande och sedan tappade jag kontakten helt.

Efter att jag backade till v4.115 ser det ut att reglera mot rätt börvärde.

Jag försöker styra elvärmen i sommarstugan med en WS 1216H Home Extended.

Under <Advanced settings> har jag valt <Function Type Heating/Cooling control, cycle>.
Under <Temp/RH/Termo> har jag satt <Relay 1 on below temp 12> och <Relay 2 on above 20> (som jag inte använder).

Men oavsett hur kallt det är ute fastnar temperaturen i huset på 16 grader.

Firmware v4.117

Vad gör jag för fel?

Konfiguration av Webswitchen / Web page user(view only)
« on: 2017-10-16, 08:37:52 »

Jag får inte detta att funka. Jag har satt användarnamn och lösenord för en "view-only-user", men lyckas inte logga in som en sådan.
Jo, jag kan "logga in" via inloggningsknappen i vänstermarginalen, men efter att jag gjort det, kan jag ändå inte se någonting, som jag inte redan kunde se innan jag loggat in. Och om jag försöker komma åt några av de inloggningsskyddade sidorna, blir jag nekad.

Har jag missuppfattat hur det är tänkt att fungera?


Product   1216H WebSwitch
Model   HAM
Software   4.23
Hardware   2
Bootloader   1.10


General discussion forum / Re: K3/0-mini poor audio
« on: 2016-09-16, 17:49:26 »
Yes, 42 seems very aggresive. When I run locally with a dynamic mic, I usually set mic gain to 25. When using a condenser mic, I set mic gain far lower, maybe around 5 or 7.

Elecraft told me their settings worked OK for them, that I should plug the microphone directly into the RRC, or that I should use a condenser mic.
To be fair, the only settings they really gave me were the ones in bold:

Remote K3:


Radio RRC:

Codec out gain: 250
Codec inp gain: 32
Codec inp HPF Hz: 163
Codec inp attenuation: Yes

Control RRC:

Codec out gain: 250
Codec inp gain: 18
Codec inp HPF Hz: 82
Codec inp preamp: Yes

The other ones I picked from their screen dump.

I've played around with the codec inp gain settings on the control RRC, but they don't seem to make any difference on the noise.
(The RRC user manual says codec inp gain should be set to 0 in the control RRC, not to 18 as I had set.)

I tried to disable the codec inp preamp in the control RRC, but this only affected the voice level, not the noise.

I'll try to do some over the air testing during the weekend, with a golden-eared friend of mine.


General discussion forum / Re: K3/0-mini poor audio
« on: 2016-09-16, 12:39:42 »
I've done some more testing. Both the K3/0-mini and the control RRC add noise.
  • Replacing the cable between the K3/0-mini and the control RRC AUX/MIC port does not improve the situation.
  • Replacing the K3/0-mini does not improve the situation.
  • Replacing the remote RRC does not improve the situation.
  • Replacing the remote K3 radio does not improve the situation.
  • Tweaking the codec gain settings in the RRC does not (significantly) improve the situation.
  • The only component that I have not replaced is the control RRC. I'll borrow one and make a last test next week.
The noise modulated onto the RF SSB signal increases with increased mic gain setting on the remote radio.
So a high-output condenser microphone reduces the problem, but does not eliminate it completely.

My conclusion is that the mic port on the K3/0-mini cannot be used at all.
A dynamic microphone should also not be used, due to its low output level.

The best result is achieved with a condenser microphone connected to the AUX/MIC input on the control RRC.
But there is still far too much noise in my opinion.

When listening over the air in a separate (KX3) receiver, the noise level reaches S9 when I hit the PTT, even with no microphone plugged into the AUX/MIC port on the control RRC. (OK, maybe this doesn't say so much, since the RX is very close to the TX.)

When plugging the cable from the K3/0-mini into the AUX/MIC port on the control RRC, the nose level increases from S9 to S9+20 dB, even with no microphone connected to the K3/0-mini. This tells me that the K3/0-mini adds a whole lot of noise on top of what is already introduced by the RRC.

The following are the settings that I have been recommended by Elecraft:

Remote K3:


Radio RRC:

Codec out gain: 250
Codec inp gain: 32
Codec inp HPF Hz: 163
Codec inp attenuation: Yes

Control RRC:

Codec out gain: 250
Codec inp gain: 18
Codec inp HPF Hz: 82
Codec inp preamp: Yes

I've tried some other settings too, but have made no systematic testing.
Does anyone have other recommendations for parameter settings to reduce noise from the RRC?


General discussion forum / Re: K3/0-mini poor audio
« on: 2016-09-09, 15:02:51 »
Yes, if the Mini doesn't work as intended, a bare-bones K3/10 could have been an interesting option instead.

Even though it looks like this is a problem in the (Elecraft) K3/0-mini, I know of some people who have had issues with ground-loops in the (Microbit) RRCs, causing noise on the modulation. So it is not yet completely ruled out that the root cause is in the RRCs.

The reason I'm posting here is that other people with the same problem may come here and look for a solution. So if I find the root cause, I will post information here.

I'll continue to trouble-shoot. Next step is to establish if the problem really originates on the control side, and then to have a closer look at the DC supply.


General discussion forum / Re: K3/0-mini poor audio
« on: 2016-09-08, 08:47:25 »
I realize Brandon is the designer. Elecraft support has assigned Craig W6WL to this task. I perfectly trust him, I'm confident he's capable to ask Brandon if he needs to and I see no reason yet to bypass him :-)


General discussion forum / Re: K3/0-mini poor audio
« on: 2016-09-08, 00:02:40 »
Elecraft sent me another cable (the one that connects the K3/0-mini to the Control RRC).
But this did not improve anything.

I borrowed another K3/0-mini from a friend, but this also did not make any difference.

I tried new RRC settings that Elecraft suggested, but also this made no difference.

So I'm still looking for a solution.


General discussion forum / Re: K3/0-mini poor audio
« on: 2016-08-23, 14:49:37 »
Thanks Mitch,

You're right, this is most likely an Elecraft problem, rather than a Remoterig problem. Or (less likely, but still) a configuration error on my part.

Since my K3/0-mini is under warranty, I sent a mail to Elecraft support already last week, but they have still not responded.

I will consider to make an entry on the Elecraft reflector.


General discussion forum / K3/0-mini poor audio
« on: 2016-08-23, 07:42:20 »
Does anyone here have experience in the K3/0-mini?

When I connect the supplied cable from the K3/0-mini to the AUX/MIC input at the control RRC and put the radio in TX, a high level of noise is introduced. This noise almost entirely masks my modulation in SSB.

I don't experience the same noise level if I disconnect the K3/0-mini from the AUX/MIC input, and connect my microphone directly to the RRC instead.

I have changed power supplies around, to eliminate that possible error source. Also there's no problem running my remote K3 locally.

I notice a previous post about similar problems, but that thread didn't end in any conclusion.


Jag hade missat att stift 2 och 3 är skiftade i adaptervarianten för rotorstyrning.
Så när jag lyfte bort anslutningen till stift 3 gick det bättre.
(Men verkar som att Microham-burken måste vara spänningssatt för att det ska funka.)


Tack för svaret Micke!

Jag tycker att webswitchen borde kunna nöja sig med att lyssna, men den funkar som sagt bara om jag kopplar in både RX och TX.
Men jag har lite svårt att hålla reda på vad som egentligen är RX och TX, kanske bidrar det till förvirringen att jag använder serieadaptern som egentligen är avsedd för rotorer.

Grejorna är kvar på landet, jag får labba mer när jag kommer dit i helgen.


Som rubriken antyder, vill jag skicka CAT-data från min Elecraft K3 både till en Microham Station Master och en webswitch 1216H.
Jag tänkte att man helt enkelt bara skulle kunna splitta seriekabeln mellan radion och Microham-burken och göra en avstickare till webswitchen. Men det fungerar inte.

Jag har alltså gjort en Y-kabel, med en fullbetyckad rak gren som går från radions serieport via en MK2R+, som i sin tur pratar med en Station Master. Den funkar bra, radion och Station Master har kontakt med varandra, så länge jag inte har den andra grenen ansluten till webswitchen.

Den andra grenen är bestyckad med endast RXD, TXD och GND, och går till webswitchen. Den funkar bra, radion och webswitchen pratar med varandra, så länge den första grenen inte är ansluten till Microhamburken. (Jag har inte gjort som det står längst ned på den här sidan, för det fungerar inte med endast stift 2 anslutet.)

Men så snart jag ansluter båda grenarna, lägger Station Master av och klagar på att den inte längre får någon signal.

Finns här någon som har tips på hur man kan göra?


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