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Messages - dj4mz

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Hi Robert,

from the networking point of view your setup looks quite ok for me (as long as you are on your LAN as you have told). Only thing that sounds wrong is the IP of the DNS server! I would expect (if activated in your router) or the IP of an external DNS. So as long as you are using IPs for the SIP contact it should work.

If it doesn't work, first try to access the web interface of both units.

vy 73
Simon, DJ4MZ

General discussion forum / Re: Cannot access control RRC
« on: 2011-01-18, 15:06:26 »

what do you mean with
However, when I do the cmd:ipconfig, an IP address of the Control unit is something different.

The Microbit Setup Manager connected via USB shows the IP address of your device and ipconfig shows the IP address of the computer on which you execute ipconfig. These have to be different! Make sure that both IPs are within the same subnet, assuming a "standard" home network they should only differ in the last number, e.g. for the RRC and for your PC.

vy 73
Simon, DJ4MZ

General discussion forum / Re: Connection failure
« on: 2011-01-11, 19:32:11 »
Hi Jan,

For you Simon the very old version you use works ok, but not 2.3x. Would really help us if we knew from which version this behaviour started. We haven't been able to reproduce this ourselves.

yes V2.06 works fine, V2.30 does not. As I have updated directly from V2.06 to V2.30 I can not say anything about when this problem started, sri.

If this info is useful for you, I also have hardware 4!

In this thread here I mentioned that after upgrading to V2.30 I also had to increase the "Lf delay ms" parameter to get rid of echos caused by the transceivers sidetone. Is there a chance that these two "problems" are somehow related? Maybe this helps to narrow down the root cause.

vy 73
Simon, DJ4MZ

General discussion forum / Re: Connection failure
« on: 2011-01-11, 13:16:23 »

sounds very familiar to me. See

vy 73
Simon, DJ4MZ


if I understand you correctly you are using both the RRC and a Web-Switch behind one single router. In this case the (external) IP is the same for both devices and you have to distinguish between both devices by using different ports (which you have already done).

In this setup it is basically sufficient to only have one of your devices (RRC or WS) updating the DynDNS service, whereas running the DynDNS client on both devices shouldn't make much difference. On the one hand it adds some redundancy to your setup, so if one of your devices fails for some reason, the other one may still work and update your IP. On the other hand you have to be careful as DynDNS stops updating the IP if it gets to many update requests!

What I have done in the past is registering with two different free Dynamic-DNS providers. So one device can update the IP at the first provider and the other one can update at the second provider. If one fails, you can still access (at least the web frontend of) your devices by using the DynDNS name that works.

vy 73
Simon, DJ4MZ

General discussion forum / Re: Audio stream stalls
« on: 2011-01-07, 19:40:52 »
Hi Jan,

I can totally understand that such bugs can not be fixed in the blink of an eye! I also understand that the fact that this problem only occurs at some installations makes it even less easy to find. As far as I was concerned I simply had to "change" something because if was absolutely impossible to work any phone mode due to the constantly disappearing TX audio.

So to answer your question: No there were no sessions where it worked! The behaviour was just like described in my first post (in the edit). An with "after some seconds" I really mean after some (i.e. approx. 10) seconds.

vy 73
Simon, DJ4MZ

General discussion forum / Re: Audio stream stalls
« on: 2011-01-04, 12:38:59 »
Hi Dick,

I haven't been at the remote shack when updating the device but as long as the settings available via the web interface are concerned, I couldn't find any differences. We already have had a discussion about changing ports in another thread. Also there, only the "out" ports have been changing, which is not a problem.

Jan, I have exported settings for both local and remote RRC. So if you are looking into this issue and the settings can be helpful, just let me know.

BTW: I'm back to V2.06. The downgrade caused even much more trouble but for now I looks like it is stabe again.

vy 73
Simon, DJ4MZ

Hi Dick,

also HNY to you.

Interesting to see that someone else is also having problems with audio in V2.30. I posted my experiences here: Unfortunately resetting didn't change anything for me.

vy 73
Simon, DJ4MZ

Hi Paul,

I don't really think that the changeing "OUT-Ports" are the root cause of your problem. As far as I know the out or source port of an TCP/IP connection does not have to be "constant". It depends on the client software (in this case the firmware of the RRCs) and can change from connection to connection!

vy 73
Simon, DJ4MZ

Hi Paul,

just read your other post and the first thing that came in mind was: maybe the ISP is blocking SIP  :(

I don't know what routers you are using on both ends, but do they support VPN? When using VPN for the connection between control and remote site your ISP shouldn't be able to "see" what you are doing.

Even though my ISP is not blocking anything (at least as far as I know) I use VPN also because of security reasons.

vy 73 es merry xmas,
Simon, DJ4MZ


Why do you not reccomend to change my local IP ?

because if you change the IP of your local PC without changing the config of your router and all other PCs in you local network you won't be able to access them. But as I read you are already one step further.

Next step would be, as you already are planing to do, change the IP of the remote RRC to fit into the local network on the remote side. SIP contact should be the fixed IP (as Guy already mentioned). Then you still have to config some port forwarding in the router on the remote side to make sure that incoming connections are forwarded to the RRC. Alternatively you can configure your RRCs IP as DMZ or exposed host if your router has such a function.

vy 73
Simon, DJ4MZ

General discussion forum / Re: Feature Request: Profiles
« on: 2010-12-21, 09:37:20 »
The topic of this thread is "Profiles", this behaviour is something I can't see has something to do with profiles as such, at least not in a "direct" way, but I understand what you mean  ;)

Can't say now what could be the cause of this, but your description of what happens should help a lot. Obviously the audio stream "stalls" for a awhile, but why is the question of the day...

And yes, if you don't want new feature etc, then upgrading isn't for you  ;)

You are right! I opened a new topic to follow this "problem".

General discussion forum / Audio stream stalls
« on: 2010-12-21, 09:34:35 »
Hi Jan,

unfortunately I have to come back to this topic.

Yesterday after the update I just tested with CW and not with phone. Today when trying to operate on the local UHF relais I recognized that TX audio is sometimes there and sometimes not! If TX audio goes away, then sometimes also RX audio is missing. It returnes after some while and stays available until I again try to transmitt. At that point TX may work or not  ??? It very seldom happens, that even though PTT is pressed the TRX switches back to RX (of course with no RX audio). Looks very much like the SIP stream has been lost.

When this happens I can see RTP timeout time in the Remote RRC going down from 60 step by step until approx. 40 (or even less), then jumping back to 60 and everything works fine again for a few seconds.

Ping round trip time is 30...35ms.

Any hints?

More than ever: NEVER change a running system!

Edit: Looks like it does not really have to do with transmitting or not. Just have been monitoring the RTP timeout value in the Remote RRC. It is normally reading 60, and TX is possible. Suddenly the value starts to decrease and from that point on no TX audio is there. At some point, mostly at values arount 40, it jumps back to 60 and TX audio again is present. After some seconds the value again is decreasing and TX audio disappears.


how is your RRC connected to your PC/network?

1. If it is connected only via USB then you can not connect to it via your browser!
2. If it is connected locally to your network, i.e. using a switch, then make sure that both, your PC and your RRC are using IPs from the same subnet. Assuming that you are using some sort of Windows OS open a command window and type "ipconfig" and press Enter. In the answer section related to your network adapter check the IP address. As long as it doesn't start with 192.168.0. (assuming Class C network) you won't be able to access it. In that case either change the IP address of your PC to something starting with 192.168.0. (I don't recommend to do this!) or much better change the IP address of the RRC to match your network (use the Microbit Setup-Manager) to do this (see Users manual page 24-27).

vy 73
Simon, DJ4MZ

General discussion forum / Re: Feature Request: Profiles
« on: 2010-12-20, 22:52:08 »
Hi Jan,

unfortunately I have to come back to this topic.

Yesterday after the update I just tested with CW and not with phone. Today when trying to operate on the local UHF relais I recognized that TX audio is sometimes there and sometimes not! If TX audio goes away, then sometimes also RX audio is missing. It returnes after some while and stays available until I again try to transmitt. At that point TX may work or not  ??? It very seldom happens, that even though PTT is pressed the TRX switches back to RX (of course with no RX audio). Looks very much like the SIP stream has been lost.

When this happens I can see RTP timeout time in the Remote RRC going down from 60 step by step until approx. 40 (or even less), then jumping back to 60 and everything works fine again for a few seconds.

Ping round trip time is 30...35ms.

Any hints?

More than ever: NEVER change a running system!

Edit: Looks like it does not really have to do with transmitting or not. Just have been monitoring the RTP timeout value in the Remote RRC. It is normally reading 60, and TX is possible. Suddenly the value starts to decrease and from that point on no TX audio is there. At some point, mostly at values arount 40, it jumps back to 60 and TX audio again is present. After some seconds the value again is decreasing and TX audio disappears.

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