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Messages - w1asb

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
General discussion forum / Re: Rotator controller
« on: 2015-09-15, 18:29:49 »
This is newer version of 1216L I'm suspecting that 1216L board is faulty cause I went over again connection and all looks ok I don't see LED light blinking cause your web says that if connection is establish 1216L should blink every second I don't see blinking at all .Anyway new board its coming and I'll let you know how it goes

General discussion forum / Re: Rotator controller
« on: 2015-09-14, 16:01:37 »
Voltage was measured on 1216L connectors .can I send you private email I would like to get you info this way you can access and see yourself there is a error on system info page What is your email Jan?

General discussion forum / Re: Rotator controller
« on: 2015-09-14, 15:33:47 »
Yes wherever I move the antenna it always set as 0 .Do you think I should replace 1216L ?cause web switch working ok I can access go thru menu on/off relays etc.

General discussion forum / Re: Rotator controller
« on: 2015-09-14, 14:18:46 »
Just forgot to mention that on web page I can go to rotator settings but here if I want to set the antenna position always got 0 no matter what position antenna has

General discussion forum / Re: Rotator controller
« on: 2015-09-14, 13:56:02 »
Yes I did check and voltage is changing while antenna moves voltage range from .83V to 4.40V there is a power 13.4V on 1216L and web switch working ok I can use relays no problem .what do you think is it 1216L got issue? Or this is a problem with web switch ?

This is exactly how I'm using same address for all devices plus port number and web Rrc (plus other devices) has designated port in router settings it works ok for some time then stops I went thru different possibilities and the only way to fix this problem and get Rrc web to work is hard power "reboot"

I have similar problem and I think there is a bug somewhere that's why working Rrc web suddenly stop working and with suggestions of other users only hard power disconnect solve the problem there is no need to change ports ,router settings just unplug power from Rrc for 30sec. Plug it back and web working ok so I put a relay so I can remotely "hard reboot "Rrc and were back online
By the way icheck different sources accessing Rrc web and nothing works except above method

General discussion forum / Rotator controller
« on: 2015-08-25, 16:21:50 »
I had working setup gs1000 controller via 1216L interface to web switch now for some reason my controller it's not showing position of the antenna I already check pot in rotor and seems to be fine I'm suspecting controller to be bad .I called HRO and they are not stocking controllers and its special order .Does anybody have experience with MDS RC1-Y controller for Yeasu ?is MDS and 1216L connected same way as original Yeasu controller ?any feedback appreciated

Very cool , how much is it and can this be used along with RRC boxes ?

General discussion forum / Lost connection
« on: 2015-07-06, 13:29:56 »
I have working setup of TS480 and every once in a while connection got lost and sometime I loose all devices some only a few to get back to normal working stage I have to access remoterig boxes with microbit setup and unchecked dhcp put any ip save it then go back set it again with dhcp and all working again .Very strange, but disconnection is once,a month once 3 months but already happen at least 5 times and even power cycle doesn't help.Any suggestions? What I notice that in net tab ip changes  but even with this if dhcp is checked unit should be pulled remotely with no problem ,if I assign reserved ip in my router will help? Remote  router is xfinity and I can provide all info if someone wants to check my setup .

General / Nano license
« on: 2015-05-22, 19:39:29 »
Hi ,
my question is I do have valid (paid ) license for my sumsung tablet and after I got galaxys5  phone wherę I downloaded software and I was using for one month now it said trial version expired now do I need to buy new licence or should I add licence for $10 cause I'm confused ,note that I'm using same radio setup with two different devices

General / Re: Nano Service not on Play Store
« on: 2015-04-17, 14:54:13 »
so here is update Galaxy s5 with lollipop 5.0 will not work with Nano I had situations that will connect to rrc with no rx and freq. readout but later I couldn't disconnect even when I reset rrc from Web I have to disconnect power to rrc to drop connection very strange .I did reinstall back kitkat 4.4.4 and seems to be working OK with one issue I think thus is a sort of bug I can connect easy transmit ok but when Im disconnecting most of times it take while when rrc drops connection sometime disconnect button on Web helps .when I'm using TS480 panel to connects gives me that signal like it was busy when I go back to my phone and Nano I can connects no problem

General / Re: Nano Service not on Play Store
« on: 2015-04-14, 15:28:48 »
Yesterday I update my fully working with Nano Galaxy S5 phone from kitkat 4.4.4 to lollipop 5.0 and now Nano stop working .All I got is I can connect and little green light on tune button comes up I can rotate dial but no rx no frequency (I can use preset frq. Option and got the box but even when type new freq. Doesn't change anything)are they any settings i have change on my phone ?or best is  to go back to previous kitkat system ?

General / Re: Nano Service not on Play Store
« on: 2015-04-12, 05:19:16 »
After reading whole post and I'm still not getting if SIP and VOIP is needed for device to work with Nano Service how come my Galaxy S5 is working I did check same web as Roland had his screen shoots and found that in Galaxy S5 VOIP it's not supported. With all I just said last Friday I picked brand new Galaxy S6 and got same situation I only saw your 4 applications except Nano service after reading this post I went to Verizon store and looked for phone that shows 5 applications this was not enough for me so I downloaded from goggle play store Nano service and Nano K while in the store and  I type my sip info and I was back in the business after that I returned my new phone (you have to see the face of salesman when he exchange new S6 for S5) I think would be really great to have some sort of guide for devices supported Nano application .Now Galaxy S5 is running on KitKat is upgrading to Lolipop OS will affect Nano application ?

General discussion forum / RRC web page hard access
« on: 2015-04-09, 00:28:57 »
This a fourth time my setup is giving me a problem accessing RRC web page to do changes in all previous  times I thought it's port on remote site router (possibly used by some other devices in household) my first forwarded port was 8080 then 9090 now I used 9200 it was ok for some time now I can't access my radio page ,other then that my system is working ok ,here below is description of my setup:
Kenwood TS-480
SteppIr antenna
GS-1000 Yeasu rotator
Expert 1Kw amplifier
Every device and radio working ok does anybody have any idea why I'm loosing access to my radio page.

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