« on: 2014-11-17, 12:49:50 »
Hi ,
can someone help me figure this out I'm trying to connect com2 to radio body ts480 then forward cat from com2 to com 1 using both (menu6and 7) and I got cat working ok from my ts 480 and for some reason I can't get com1 working properly .I want to connect to com1 steppir controller and expert 1kw amplifier my steppir and expert working ok using cat from the radio directly both reading frequency now as far as connections is the connection below is correct:
3 (rx)...to auxsw1 (rc1216h)then to .......2
2 (tx) ...............................................3
com1 5..................................................... 5 sda100 data in steppir controller
7to8 7to9
what im doing wrong? please note that user manual sep10 2014 using 7to9 on sda100 data in and on web page shows 1 to7 anyway try both connection ,your help is appreciated ,thanks