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Messages - w1asb

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General discussion forum / Re: Expert virtual com port
« on: 2015-03-11, 19:24:55 »
Update: ok I just figure now that in manual IP/host name starts without http:// and this was the problem after I removed created port and reinstall back with "Host Name" only all working. I went easy way and copy from browser and this was my mistake .

General discussion forum / Re: Expert virtual com port
« on: 2015-03-11, 15:09:48 »
TCP port was forwarded on remote router and this setup it is working ok with another computer and I'm trying setup my laptop where I replace new hard drive under hidden usb ports I saw previous virtual usb port thats why I removed all and reinstall all ports including Rrc now I see rrc ports and virtual port com2 for expert but something I guess it's blocking do you think firewall in my laptop ?

General discussion forum / Re: Expert virtual com port
« on: 2015-03-11, 12:51:20 »
I removed all hidden usb ports from device manager and setup all new now I do see virtual port com2 I initialize start up with expert software but in status (Microbit setup) it says connecting and such connection never has been made I'm sure that port for remoterig ip is correct cause I see that port under my web switch ,any idea what  might be the problem

General discussion forum / Expert virtual com port
« on: 2015-03-10, 14:52:02 »
I recently change hard drive in my computer and now I don't see virtual usb port for Expert, I've been using parallel Expert software with Web switch ,is there are another way to install virtual com port without physical connection with RH1216 just wondering?

Mike ,
Thanks for replay I called my friend at remote site and he power up Steppir manually and after 5 min of waiting all seems to be working I can power up and down from web switch never thought about timing, thanks again for all your help we all are really enjoying ham radio using your products also can you take a look and tell me which schematic is correct I tried a few times already use com1 in RRc to copy my com2 and all my attempts fail I use pin 2and 3 backwards and in menu use mode 6 also try menu 7 here are two pictures and again I'm not sure which is correct? I'm not sure If this is typo error or pin 1and 9 needs to be connected

General discussion forum / steppir antenna power up button
« on: 2015-02-25, 14:31:04 »
I had working system till now I power down stepper antenna and now can't power up it only work when you power up physically at remote site but when you power down it won't come back does anybody know what possibly might causing this I 'm heading to my remote site this afternoon to troubleshoot any feedback greatly appreciated. I'm using RH1216 web switch to control antenna once you press and power up rest of buttons working ok except on/off

General discussion forum / remoterig out of service
« on: 2015-02-23, 04:47:24 »
Did anybody had problem connecting to RRC Friday night around 23:50 Utc cause remoterig dns seems to be down for some reason along with website just before ARRL CW contest crashed and was back to normal Saturday ?

Hi ,
This is update of existing situation ,after running additional tests I found out that problem is not related to WI-FI cause I ran Ethernet cable and did my tests but problem is causing but com2 on control RRC every time HRD is connected to RRC and reads freq. etc. I'm getting bad audio please see attached file if I do disconnect mini USB port in control RRC my audio sounding ok meaning that there is something with sending data over com2 from RRC 's can anybody help with this ,please cause I have no clue what step should I do now .

General discussion forum / RRC Control WI-FI strange audio
« on: 2015-02-18, 18:38:02 »
My setup is working ok but lately I'm getting bad audio reports that there is some sort of squeaking sound(bad fan)this is happen doesn't matter what power I'm using, it will last all the time switching on/ off radio doesn't help it only back to normal when I reset (disconnect power wire from control RRC )when it starts normal will stay ok for hours of transmitting. Does anybody have the same issue?
My setup TS-480 body to RRC to Router (wired) and control head to RRC and WI-FI .
Here attached is audio friend of mine recorded for me (audio is in Polish ) notice that when I'm speaking you can hear in background then I wait and still keying  mic for a few sec and then gets really loud

General / Re: Any problem using the RRC-Nano and WiFi?
« on: 2015-02-11, 06:16:54 »
I had very similar situation and turns out that I changed vfo from A to B and then you can't change frequency on  display easy fix but  cost me little time looking around for the problem .I don't know why radio and Nano loosing communications but after changing to Vfo A all working properly.My setup Kenwood TS-480 hx ,HRD and Nano

General / Re: Nano for iphone users
« on: 2014-12-17, 12:41:06 »
Hi Mike
I purchased  yesterday  7" Samsung tablet for 149 US at Best Buy took me 2 min to set up all and it's working really good thanks for good product .For how long I have it free before I have to buy licence ?
There is one more thing I would add that is split frequency .
Merry Christmas  and Happy New Year

General / Nano for iphone users
« on: 2014-12-15, 23:42:58 »
Are you guys planning to have Nano for Iphone users?
Just curious

Hardware, Cabling, Installations / ts480 cw keying
« on: 2014-12-04, 02:06:08 »
I connect all cables as described in manual for cw keying but for some reason when I'm sending in cw mode its not keying the radio (it does key in fsk and fm mode ) can someone give me a hint what is wrong
I have a vox on and full break in
on radio side I'm using stereo plug where tip is connected to pin 5 and ground from plug goes to pin 8
(should I use mono since this is straight key connection?)
when I'm sending using paddle or computer in cw mode on control panel red tx goes on  but nothing coming out from radio on remote side

General discussion forum / rrc com 1 connection
« on: 2014-11-17, 12:49:50 »
Hi ,
can someone help me figure this out I'm trying to connect com2 to radio body ts480 then forward cat from com2 to com 1 using both (menu6and 7) and I got cat working ok from my ts 480 and for some reason I can't get com1 working properly .I want to connect to com1 steppir controller and expert 1kw amplifier my steppir and expert working ok using cat from the radio directly both reading frequency now as far as connections   is the connection below is correct:
         3  (rx) auxsw1 (rc1216h)then to .......2
         2  (tx)  ...............................................3 
com1 5.....................................................    5      sda100 data in steppir controller
        7to8                                            7to9
what im doing wrong? please note that user manual sep10 2014 using 7to9 on sda100 data in and on web page shows 1 to7 anyway try both connection ,your help is appreciated ,thanks

General discussion forum / Rotator map
« on: 2014-11-07, 04:53:51 »
Just a question is it possible to have a downloaded map of the world in background of existing map from Microbit?

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