General discussion forum / Re: Keying TS-480 with Win-Test and Winkeyer USB
« on: 2011-10-19, 17:48:32 »
I'm using with satisfaction a CW keying program (CWTYPE) running on my WINDOWS XP LapTop hooked through the USB (Virtual port, in my case COM16) to the RRC Control. In the program setup I've choosen KEY/PTT Port Type -> COM Port via Windows API, KEY->DTR, PTT->None .
If some heavy program runs on background, I noticed time to time unregular keying sequences, but it happens rarely. CWTYPE is an excellent program also when I'm at home in front of my main rig whre I use MicroKEYER MKII interfaces and WinKey.
Enrico I4GAD
If some heavy program runs on background, I noticed time to time unregular keying sequences, but it happens rarely. CWTYPE is an excellent program also when I'm at home in front of my main rig whre I use MicroKEYER MKII interfaces and WinKey.
Enrico I4GAD