« on: 2017-03-18, 11:33:41 »
Good morning
I have the following setup in our remote Contest site
Two stations
Station 1:
Radio RRC is MarkI
Control RRC is MarKI or MKII
Connected radio is a TS-480 with tghe head console
Used ports are 28003, 28002, 28001
It works great in any situation
Station 2:
Radio RRC is MKII
Connected to the same IP LAN of the above RRC
Connected radio is TS480, with the head console
Used ports are 28004, 28005, 28006
A single internet connection is shared to both remote stations, thanks to the appropiate NAT setup forwarding the ports to the correspinding RRC
The problem is in station 2.
When you try to start the remote radio, the control head shows HELLO and stays there. The remote radio is started but it seems the the head doesn't receives any further command. After you remo the cable from the head and insert again several times pushing the start button, it starts correctly.
If you setup the connection between the RRCs with a cross-over cable, it works ok
It is something related to the second Radio RRC. It happens with either the two control RRCs we have or the two control heads.
I am quite sure that the NAT and port forwarding configuration is OK
Any idea?