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I am trying to set up remote rig  according to the above configuration. All seems to be set up correctly.  The ddns information is recognized by the controller (panel) side, i.e. the host address is shown in the status information on the controller!

So the LAN/network should be Ok but still the communication  between the controller and the host (radio) is not working. When I press the power button a peep sounds after a while. I have checked the SIP passwords, they are equal.

When i connect the controller directly to the tp-link router (to same LAN as the radio) it works ok.

What more can I do/check.

73 de Björn
Konfiguration av Webswitchen / Heating/Cooling control, cycle
« Last post by SM5PHU on 2024-10-09, 18:58:06 »
Jag försöker styra elvärmen i sommarstugan med en WS 1216H Home Extended.

Under <Advanced settings> har jag valt <Function Type Heating/Cooling control, cycle>.
Under <Temp/RH/Termo> har jag satt <Relay 1 on below temp 12> och <Relay 2 on above 20> (som jag inte använder).

Men oavsett hur kallt det är ute fastnar temperaturen i huset på 16 grader.

Firmware v4.117

Vad gör jag för fel?
General discussion forum / Re: RRC not connecting
« Last post by W1UE on 2024-10-06, 16:03:08 »
Thanks for your help.  Your reply led directly to our getting it to work again.
General / voLTE block audio in app
« Last post by ik4vfd on 2024-10-04, 21:00:19 »
unfortunately in the new android  phones the possibility to turn on/off the VOLTE has been removed, blocking audio in the app  I tried to change the audio port but nothing to do
do you have any ideas?
General discussion forum / Re: AS-1289 Cannot update firmware
« Last post by sm2o on 2024-09-29, 19:55:52 »
I have emailed you instructions the same day
General discussion forum / Re: AS-1289 Cannot update firmware
« Last post by K3GGN on 2024-09-29, 19:47:41 »
Mike, was the information I emailed to you sufficient? 

73, Dean
General discussion forum / Re: AS-1289 Cannot update firmware
« Last post by sm2o on 2024-09-24, 11:11:07 »

There is no AS-1216H, it's WS-1216H and RC-1216H

if you email me a printscreen of the info page, I will send you a fix

73 de mike
General discussion forum / AS-1289 Cannot update firmware
« Last post by K3GGN on 2024-09-23, 21:18:33 »

My remote system includes the K3 Twin with RRC-1258 MkII and a Microbit AS-1289 antenna switch. All has worked well for a couple years.

When I recently visited my remote QTH I browsed the Microbit website and saw what I believed was an update for the firmware. I was confused by the firmware offered for a AS-1289 vs a AS-1216. I must have installed the wrong firmware because the switch now comes up as a rotator configuration and I cannot restore it.

The AS-1289 manual is ambiguous and mentions the AS-1216 so I installed the latest firmware 1216H_WebSwitch_Ham-CRC-NEW-2024-06-04-v4.94.bin. The setup manager connects OK.

However, the 1289 does not work as an antenna switch after this installation. So I looked further and found firmware specifically for the 1289 on the web site. I downloaded AS-1269_1289_v4.59_2019-12-10_v4.59.  The setup manager shows: version 003; Firmware: 4.59; Bootloader: 1.13; HW: 003. Also correctly shown is "Device connected!" and 3648==3648.

So the update appears to be successful. However the "System Info" on the web page shows RC-1216H as the device and v4.59. I have tried several times to install the firmware for the AS-1289 but no success.

So I screwed up with the update! Is there a way to reset the AS-1289 to clear the firmware and then install the correct firmware? Or maybe another way?


Dean K3GGN

General discussion forum / K3/Twin setup, CW problem from radio end PC
« Last post by oh6xx on 2024-09-20, 20:43:45 »
I tried to read through the forum but couldn't find an answer.

I setup K3/Twin last weekend but I faced an issue with local CW at the radio side. I setup PC to control rotators, amplifier and for local FT8 next to radio at the ham shack. Everything else seems to work from the local PC except CW from DXLog (Wintest, N1MM you name it). I am trying to send CW over CAT cable like we normally do with K3 (with K3USB cable). DTR for CW and RTS for PTT. This works perfectly when the RRC box is not connected. But when I connect RS232 cable from K3 to RRC COM2 and K3USB cable from PC to RRC COM1 neither CW nor PTT works.

I do get frequency info to logging software at the radio PC by setting up COM1 mode to Mode-6, CAT to COM2 (Local) and COM2 mode is Logical parallel with COM0.

Is it even possible to send CW over CAT cable or should I setup Microkeyer II or alike to send CW locally when visiting radio site?

Juha OH6XX
General discussion forum / Re: RRC not connecting
« Last post by sm2o on 2024-09-20, 09:39:54 »

Send export settings (html) files to

73 de mike
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