« Last post by VA2EBI on 2024-04-05, 00:28:42 »
Sorry, I replied to the wrong message.
Christian, like Nodir I am using the Winkey feature in the RRC1258, but I have not been satisfied with the quality of my CW. I use a Begali Contour paddle into the PAD jack of the RRC1258, but I do not believe the quality of my transmitted CW is an issue with the paddle. When my radio is off, I can monitor my paddle with external speakers connected to the SP jack on the Control RRC, and I am sending near-perfect code. My remote setup is a pair of Yaesu FT5000's in Yaesu Twin configuration. I also use N1MM Plus Logger, but I was confused by the structure of your reply to Nodir. I would appreciate copies of your printscreens for the Control RRC I/O screen, and also your N1MM Hardware, Winkey and Mode Control screens. I should not be sending sloppy CW. Thank you.
George VA2EBI