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Konfiguration av RRC 1258 / Re: Icom ic 7100 senaste versionen
« Last post by SM5VFE on 2024-04-17, 19:39:43 »
Funkar nu Micke!
Stort tack!

73 de Loic
Konfiguration av RRC 1258 / Re: Icom ic 7100 senaste versionen
« Last post by SM5VFE on 2024-04-17, 19:37:56 »
Tack Micke. Funkar inte då heller.
Vet inte varför. Får felsöka vidare.
Konfiguration av RRC 1258 / Re: Icom ic 7100 senaste versionen
« Last post by sm2o on 2024-04-17, 19:35:38 »
Kablarna skall gå till Mic/Aux i bägge enheterna
Konfiguration av RRC 1258 / Icom ic 7100 senaste versionen
« Last post by SM5VFE on 2024-04-17, 19:25:58 »
Försöker sätta upp denna i LAN inför sommarens projekt.
Får det inte att funka.
RJ45 kablar mellan uttag I/0 på box som har 7100 modul  och 7100 front panel.

RJ45 kabel mellan radiobox uttag I/0  och IC 7100 radio enhet.

Jag har inte gjort någon inställning i radion.

Tack på förhand,

73 de Loic , SM5VFE
General discussion forum / RCForb Remotehams
« Last post by W4MPS on 2024-04-09, 17:27:43 »
I have an RRC-1258 MkII unit and am wondering if it might be configured with RCForb / Remotehams to operate CW using my iambic paddle.
Marc, W4MPS
General discussion forum / Re: RC 1258 MK 2 S Compatibility
« Last post by sm2o on 2024-04-09, 07:45:18 »
General discussion forum / RC 1258 MK 2 S Compatibility
« Last post by on 2024-04-09, 00:56:29 »
Can someone please confirm that all RC 1258 MK2 S versions can be used with the K3?  I have been offered one configured for Icom equipment but I wish to use it with an Elecraft K3S.  I already have the K3 cables.

Many thanks

General discussion forum / Wanted RC-1216H and 1216H webswitch
« Last post by on 2024-04-07, 18:39:13 »
I am looking for two 1216H webswitches and a RC-1216H.


General discussion forum / Wanted: RRC-1258 MK 2 S
« Last post by on 2024-04-07, 18:36:10 »
My remote RRC-1258 MK 2 S box that I use with my K3 has failed.  I am looking for a replacement.  I will buy both the control and remote boxes if necessary.  Has anyone attempted to repair these?


Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: WINKEY USE
« Last post by VA2EBI on 2024-04-05, 00:28:42 »
Sorry, I replied to the wrong message.

Christian, like Nodir I am using the Winkey feature in the RRC1258, but I have not been satisfied with the quality of my CW.  I use a Begali Contour paddle into the PAD jack of the RRC1258, but I do not believe the quality of my transmitted CW is an issue with the paddle.  When my radio is off, I can monitor my paddle with external speakers connected to the SP jack on the Control RRC, and I am sending near-perfect code.  My remote setup is a pair of Yaesu FT5000's in Yaesu Twin configuration.  I also use N1MM Plus Logger, but I was confused by the structure of your reply to Nodir.  I would appreciate copies of your printscreens for the Control RRC I/O screen, and also your N1MM Hardware, Winkey and Mode Control screens.  I should not be sending sloppy CW.  Thank you.

George VA2EBI
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