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Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: icom 7100 remote FT8
« Last post by EA3EXE on 2024-10-26, 15:39:35 »
Hello everyone,
as I didn't have any direct help from the forum, I had to keep doing tests, finally with a simple sound card (usb) connected to the PC, a direct audio cable from the rrc-control to the sound card and a rj-45 to 3.5mm mono jack with pin 6(mic) and pin 5(ground mic) connected to the ic-7100 control on the sound card, works perfectly. special thanks to EA3IGY for helping me find my way.

Glad if this info helps any of you.

73 of Edward.
Allmänt diskussionsforum / Re: Ingen RRC connect
« Last post by SM4KYN on 2024-10-25, 09:31:17 »
22/10 Felanmält ena ISP:n (Tele2). Ärendet eskalerat till nivå 2 eller 3. Fungerar igen 25/10. Åtgärder från min sida = Ingen, förutom 8tim sömn.
Återstår att prova andra ISP:n (Bredband2) vid stugan. 
Allmänt diskussionsforum / Ingen RRC connect
« Last post by SM4KYN on 2024-10-23, 13:54:03 »
Jag har 2st Elecraft K3 Mini på två olika QTH och båda är identiskt konfigurerade för anslutning till en K3 i Karibien.
Utrustningen har inte använts på ett tag då 12V PS gick till sönder till RRC radiosida. Felet med PS är åtgärdat men båda uppsättningarna har nu slutat fungera.
På ena platsen har jag fiber Bredband2 och på den andra fiber Tele2.
Det märkliga är att bryter jag WAN på en av routrarna så slår den automatisk över till ett USB stick med Telia 4G och det hela fungerar dock lite "hackigt".
Nu ser statussidan bra ut på den RRC som kör Telia 4G vilket det inte gör med Bredband2 och Tele2 trots fiber.
Det märkliga är att idag fungerar ping och tracert till radiosidans router från både Bredband2 och Tele2 trotts att remote inte ansluter.
Provar jag ping och tracert via Telia 4G så får jag konstant timeout på ping och tracert ger sig efter 10 hopp.
Övriga användare är folk från USA och dom har inga problem.
Det hela känns som ett större fel i USA eller vidare ner mot Karibien där portar eller protokoll kanske blockas.
Funderar lite på om det kan ha med  den totala blackout som Kuba drabbades av?

Configuration, RRC 1258 / icom 7100 remote FT8
« Last post by EA3EXE on 2024-10-23, 09:26:26 »
Hello everyone,

I'm Eduard Serra EA3EXE, I have the V7 boxes, they work very well, I wanted to go one step further and connect my remote Icom 7100 for programs like Vara, jtdx, I'm a little confused with the configuration, I have the Icom CT-17 installed and it works correctly but I don't know the best configuration for the audio in the digital modes, could you help me how to make the best connection????? I have doubts because I use the aux-mic connector for control and I don't know how to transmit the audio.

Thank you very much.

Configuration, RRC 1258 / ts 480 not transmitting
« Last post by 9a4na on 2024-10-23, 08:44:44 »
Hello to the group.
I have ts 480 that has been working remotely for almost two years without problem.
Since few weeks it does not transmit. It connects as it should, receiver is working ok.
When i press key in cw mode I hear side tone but led stays green radio does not transmitt.
In SSB mode when i press ptt on mike led goes to red to tx but when talking into the microphone nothing. Modulation is not going thru.
Any idea how to solve this problem?
Thank you in advance.
73 Zeljko 9a4na
Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: IC-7100 ... How to setup for CW?
« Last post by W4AFK on 2024-10-23, 07:24:35 »
I FOUND THE PROBLEM !!!!   (Sharing this for everyone)

The IC-7100 needs to be set to Break-IN ("BK IN" appears on the left side of the display).

Unfortunately, that was not listed in the RR manual nor in posts I read. CW now works via the RR as the radio goes into TX when I activate the paddle and I can send Morse Code without any problem. I monitored the power level and all is fine.

My final settings:

Control RR - Keyer
- Keyer   Yes
- Iambic Mode A
- Paddle Reverse  No
- Lf delay  200  (to mute the sidetone from the control head while TX CW)
- Key delay  50
- Speed min  10
- Speed Max  40

Control RR - I/O
- IN0  I/O
- OUT0  Connect
- OUT1  Keyer
- OUT2  Keyer
- USB RTS  Disabled
- USB DTR on CW Disabled

Radio RR - Keyer
- PTT activated by keyer  Yes
- PTT delay 0

Radio RR - I/O
- OUT0  I/O  (I also tried Keyer)
- OUT1  I/O  (I also tried keyer)
- OUT2  Keyer
Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: IC-7100 ... How to setup for CW?
« Last post by W4AFK on 2024-10-23, 07:09:14 »
Jonas - The problem seems to be that the IC-7100 is NOT switching to TX.

If I hold the PTT button on the mic, I can send CW and it works fine. But when I release the MIC's PTT, I cannot TX CW.

Control RR - Keyer
- Keyer   Yes
- Iambic Mode A (I also tried Mode B)
- Paddle Reverse  No
- Lf delay  0
- Key delay  50
- Speed min  10
- Speed Max  40

Control RR - I/O
- IN0  I/O
- OUT0  Connect  (I also tried Keyer)
- OUT1  I/O  (I also tried Keyer and Keyer-PTT)
- OUT2  Keyer (I also tried Keyer and Keyer PTT)
- USB RTS  Disabled
- USB DTR on CW Disabled

Radio RR - Keyer
- PTT activated by keyer  Yes
- PTT delay 0

Radio RR - I/O
- OUT0  I/O  (I also tried Keyer)
- OUT1  I/O  (I also tried keyer)
- OUT2  Keyer

I do have a CT-17 to COM2 on the radio side, and USB on the control side. I can use HRD or Icom's RS-BA1 software to manage the radio so that works
Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: IC-7100 ... How to setup for CW?
« Last post by SM5PHU on 2024-10-22, 14:01:20 »
Only having experience in the IC-706, this may not be exactly on the mark, but anyway...

Your IC-7100 should be set up for straight key CW. Check that it keys as expected when plugging your paddle or a straight key into the KEY socket on the radio. (Certainly it will not key correctly if set up for a straight key if you plug a paddle in, but it should still be "as expected".)

Then CW keying needs to be enabled in your RRC. That's the next step...

Jonas SM5PHU
Configuration, RRC 1258 / IC-7100 ... How to setup for CW? ---> SOLVED!
« Last post by W4AFK on 2024-10-21, 02:48:54 »
I have read the manual, configured it as indicated, then read many posts and I still cannot get CW to operate. I am sure it's a simple config issue that I am overlooking.

Can someone please share the RR Radio, RR Control settings, and if any special function needs to be activated in the IC-7100 radio?

- I have a single paddle connected to "PAD" on the RR control via a stereo cable
- I have a stereo cable connected between the "PAD" on the RR Radio and the "KEY" on the back of the radio

- When I key up, I hear the sidetone on the Control RR but the radio does not TX
- If I raise the volume on the IC-7100 control head, I hear dits and dots (not the proper weight) but the radio refuses to TX
- The radio is set to CW.

What am I missing here???
Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: Help with TS-480 Remote
« Last post by HB9BJL on 2024-10-16, 13:57:08 »
please have a look at

you can find screenshots of my setup for the TS-480.

73 de Christian
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