I have a K3 (no sub receiver) with 1258Mk2 RRC at the transmitter end and a K3/0 and Heil headset at the home end.
[My problem is that I only get audio on the left speaker of my headphones.
I have tried an number of different K3 settings to no avail. I spoke with Elecraft who suggested "Make sure in your RADIO RRC Box the Audio Dual RX setting should be set to NO. The K3 Remote must be set for Config Menu > SPKRS 1."
My problem is that I don't have any 'Audio Dual RX' option in my RRC1256Mk2 Radio setup. I looked at the most recent version manual in the Remote Rig site and that menu option is present, but not in my version (2010 vintage) with current firmware.
Are there hardware differences on the 1258Mk2s that prevent me from getting audio into both sides of the microphone or is it a software configuration issue?
73 de Chris Vk5CP