Author Topic: TS-2000 and Ham Radio Deluxe cable requirements  (Read 23481 times)


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TS-2000 and Ham Radio Deluxe cable requirements
« on: 2012-04-08, 02:56:12 »
What is the standard cable requirements for using Ham Radio Deluxe with the TS-2000? 
I have the TS-2000 working fine with the RC-2000 remotely. 
I just can't seem to be able to figure out what I need to use HRD at the remote location. 
Is there a block diagram showing all of the appropriate cables for this arrangement? 
Is the computer to RRC-1258 serial cable a straight thru or a nul modem cable? 
Is a serial cable needed at the radio site?

Jim Grettum, wo0s


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Re: TS-2000 and Ham Radio Deluxe cable requirements
« Reply #1 on: 2012-04-08, 06:46:53 »
I use a TS2000 remotely with Ham Radio Deluxe. You need to do the following:
1. Menu 56 set baud rate to 57600.
2. In your remoterig radio serial setting, use COM2. Set to Mode-4, baudrate 57600, data bit 8, stop bit 1, parity off (leave terminator 00 default), save and reset
3. Do the same on the remoterig control, and set the "use USB COM port as COM2" to yes, so you can use USB cable virtual COM port.
4. Connect USB cable from PC to remoterig control, and check to see you have virtual drivers installed. Reinstall the Microbit Setup manager if necessary again to install virtual drivers
5. In Windows 7 device manager, check to see what com port on your PC corresponds to COM2. You should see something under PORTS: RRC1258 COM2 (COM4) as an example
6. Connect an RS232 9 pin straight cable between the TS2000 and COM2 of the remoterig radio straight cable.
7. Turn on TS2000
7. On your PC, run Ham radio deluxe, and setup a new connection (Connect,new) and select Kenwood TS2000, COM4 (as example), speed 57600.
8. You should be able to connect

The above steps is exactly how mine is setup and in my case works perfectly.


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Re: TS-2000 and Ham Radio Deluxe cable requirements
« Reply #2 on: 2012-04-08, 17:18:44 »
I forgot to mention in step 7. When I say "turn on" I mean press on button on RC-2000 so the remoterigs initiate a connection and TS2000 turns on. Ther must be connected before serial communications works. Also you can lower the baud rate if necessary (slow connection due to limited bandwidth, choppy audio etc).


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Re: TS-2000 and Ham Radio Deluxe cable requirements
« Reply #3 on: 2012-04-09, 00:48:12 »
So I do need a serial cable from the rig to the Remoterig Radio and from the PC to the Remoterig Control.  Correct?  (yes)

I hooked up both serial cables and followed the notes mentioned above and everything is working!

This is great!

Jim  (w0os)

« Last Edit: 2012-04-09, 04:47:25 by W0os »


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Re: TS-2000 and Ham Radio Deluxe cable requirements
« Reply #4 on: 2012-04-10, 04:24:14 »
On the radio side (remote), you only need a serial 9 pin straight cable from TS2000 to Remoterig COM2. On the control side (home), an RS232 9 pin is not necessary because you can use USB cable provided by remoterig with the virtual serial port option and drivers. Since it is working, just try the virtual serial USB driver option to save yourself an RS232 cable.