Author Topic: WEB-SWITCH 1216H - MAC Problem  (Read 10364 times)


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WEB-SWITCH 1216H - MAC Problem
« on: 2010-03-17, 00:50:09 »

I just got my WebSwitch today and I cannot configure it.

I have a router which has DHCP to and the WebSwitch IP is
The desktop PC connects OK to the router and so does my laptop.

I can connect to the WebSwitch using the USB and have done a firmware update from 1.04 to 1.05 and setup the IP and Gateway addresses.
I still cannot connect to it using my web browser, I also cannot ping the router and the ether light on the router does not come on like it does with the PC and laptop.

When I go and read the config I get a MAC address of 00:00:00:00:00:00 and a serial number of 327936 it was 1402 before and when getting "NetInfo" I get this back "Failed getting HTTP server port!"

Can someone help me please and is there a magic reset button which puts everything back to factory default including the MAC address?


« Last Edit: 2010-03-17, 01:39:39 by G0IDA »