Author Topic: Product tip: Serial Port Switch for quick change-over Local-to-Remote  (Read 4872 times)


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Here's a useful little box. There are many such products out there but this one has worked for me and it's inexpensive:
(Note: price is artificially low (US$4) and shipping is several times greater than purchase price but the combination is still reasonable. If you buy two or more, you save a lot of the ridiculous "shipping" price.)

At my remote site I often operate locally. One of these switches lets me switch the K3 RS232 port from the RRC to the P3 without touching the rats' nest of cables behind the rig. It also switches a DIN5 that I plan to use to disable the P3 when I'm not there to see it and disable the Radio RRC when I am there. (That's because the RRC seems to play badly with the K3 KEY line when not fully connected.)

At my control site I sometimes operate locally and use another of these switches at that end.

/Rick N6XI