Author Topic: Control unit cannot be connected  (Read 5703 times)


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Control unit cannot be connected
« on: 2014-06-27, 10:05:35 »
I have RRC-1258 boxes version 1.0. I have problem with my control unit. I'd like to reconfigure it but I cannot connect to it either via Ethernet nor via USB  (PC <-> control unit). I have tried to reset the unit to default settings (long reset abt 18 secs) but there seems to be something wrong. When I reset my radio unit, it works fine, and I can connect to it with my PC and I can make settings by using the RRC unit's web interface. But when I try to reset the control unit, the leds flashes differently compared to the radio unit and the radio unit gives no responce when I try to connect to it by using my PC's web browser. So, is it possible that the firmware of the control unit has been corrupted and how could it be fixed to get the unit working again?
73 Kari OH3BJL
« Last Edit: 2014-06-27, 10:07:14 by oh3bjl »


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Re: Control unit cannot be connected
« Reply #1 on: 2014-06-27, 12:52:57 »

The only way the firmware can be corrupted is if you get a power failure when it is flashing a new firmware. I think it's a hardware problem. You can check if you get any text out of COM1 if you connect a Terminal program set to 38400,8,1,n no handshake.



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Re: Control unit cannot be connected
« Reply #2 on: 2014-06-27, 14:50:07 »
Hi, Mike.

Thanks for your answer.
I connected to my control unit via COM1 and I got this kind text output from the unit, pse see below. So, it seems to be somehow alive. Can you conclude something from this output? Is there something I can do to find out the problem?
- Kari

** 1285/1258 Bootloader V1.4            **
** Booting application                  **
** Press capital x for xmodem apploader **
Company : Microbit
Product : 1258
Hardware: 3
Compiler: 4.1.1 (WinARM)
Build   : Nov 10 2009 17:19:27
ROM/RAM : 242264/37728
ethRAM  : 2816 (max 3kB!)
ResetSrc: b [3]
Uptime  : 0
Debug level   = 0
Control panel = 1
Program mode  = IC706
audio = BOTH_OPEN
KSZ8041NL PHY detected


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Re: Control unit cannot be connected
« Reply #3 on: 2014-06-27, 15:05:53 »
press enter s and 1 and setup the IP etc. then upgrade the firmware it's from before there where USB support



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Re: Control unit cannot be connected
« Reply #4 on: 2014-06-27, 16:01:15 »
Thanks, Mike.

Now the control unit works again. Actually, I chose on command line s (system) and then c (setup default 1 (control)). After that I managed to make ethernet connection to the control unit, and now I can set settings by using my web browser.
Thanks very much for your advises, Mike. Now I can get my things work again. FB!

So, I installed Puttytel.exe on my WIN7 laptop and connected serial cable between the control unit (front side female 9-pin D-connector) and laptop COM1. By using Puttytel.exe and setting serial parameters as Mike told me, I got the connection to my unit. Below is the text output on my command window. One can see the commands told above. If this might interest someone.

a: audio
c: codec
d: debug
e: extio
f: flash
i: sip
l: led
q: audio quality
p: power
r: radio
s: sys

1: setup edit
2: setup view
3: setup clear
4: sntp
5: rtc
6: wdt reset
7: dns query
8: show network info
9: STUN test
0: memory
a: UDP send
b: UDP receive
c: Setup default 1(Control)
d: Setup default 2(Radio)
q: exit

73 Kari OH3BJL