Author Topic: N1MM SSB Fkey PTT Through RemoteRig in K3 Twin setup?  (Read 5336 times)


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Setup: K3/Mini to K3 through Remote Rig, running N1MM+ and Classic - all works FB in CW with Winkey etc.

For last weekend's ARRL DX SSB contest, we wanted to use the N1MM+ wav files - hit F1, recorded voice says "CQ TEST" etc. In order for that to work, need to pass PTT from the PC to the remote K3.

N1RM rigged up a xistor switch from a serial port to close PTT on the control side K3, which worked fine. I'm thinking there should be a way to pass N1MM PTT thru the RRCs to the radio side K3 and do PTT there without having to add hardware and tie up a serial port on the Control side.

I'm guessing it has something thing to do with I/O settings - USB RTS as PTT on the Control side? and/or the OUT modes on the Radio RRC?

Is there a recommended/standard way to do this?

73 John K3TN