Author Topic: RotorCard - RS-232 rotor control for Yaesu DXA and DXC series Rotors?  (Read 21552 times)


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I've been looking at the Yaesu rotors, but they want another $600+ for the computer interface and control. I'm new to this remote stuff, but...

QUESTION: Will this RotorCard be a good option that will work with my two RermoteRig boxes?

Thanks much!

dave :)
« Last Edit: 2012-03-30, 16:27:14 by WB4LCN »


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both the Webswitch and the RC-1216H supports DCU-1 protocol which is used by idiompress

73 de mike


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That's great, Mike!


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I have had serious lock-up problems when using Idion Press cards remotely. Both with the RRC1258 and also Wiznet RS232 over Ethernet cards using HRD Rotator at the control end. The problem seems to be that after a few days the Idiom Press card locks-up on the RS232 interface. The only way to cure this is to reset the card supply which requires a site visit. On several forums I have noticed that others have experienced similar problems when using these cards particularly with PstRotator software
After trying 3 Idiom Press cards I gave up and changed to Easy Rotor cards; which although they come as a kit are far cheaper.
I now have 3 of these running without a problem for several months.

John G4SWX


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John, were you able to communicate with Idiom Press about the issue? If so, what was their comment?

I ordered an RS-232 card, but it hasn't arrived. The are switching over to USB, but have ordered a batch of the RS-232 cards.

dave :)


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Dave, - No I did not contact Idiom Press - the cards were purchaced a couple of years ago by a fellow amateur who attempted to use them via direct RS232 connection with HRD. I suspect that the lock-up might be a timing/synchronisation issue but have not persued it as I changed to EasyRotor cards.
An additional feature of the EasyRotor cards is greater angular resolution which I have found essential for VHF antennas.
John G4SWX


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Very good, John. Well, we'll see how it goes. If I run into the same issue, I'll be switching too.

Thanks much!

dave :)


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I'm kind of confused here. Do I need a RC-1216H box to control the above Yaesu rotor through the Internet, or will the RRC boxes, which have two COM ports, work?

dave :)


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I made the big mistake to install the Idomin Press  card in one of my Tailtwister rotors. I very soon discovered that this was NOT designed for a remote controlled station. I had a long E-mail conversation with W7GH at Idom Press concerning the problems  in their control software. I was told that their programmer was going throe a bad divorce and therefore not enable to correct the bugs.  After receiving the following I gave it up.

"Thank you for the feedback.  To be honest, I must say that as a 
businessman I will not harm the sales of the product by saying bad things 
about it on our own web site.  We do not say that the Rotor-EZ is good for 
hams who want to control their stations remotely.  If anyone were to ask 
me if the Rotor-EZ is good for remote operation, then I would be honest 
and tell them the truth, as I told you. "

73 de Lars.


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I am also the owner of several Idiom Press RotorEZ Yaesu and Hygain versions. I also have had lockup problems. Maybe excerpts from my comments to Idiom Press may offer ideas for those who have already invested and built these into your controllers.

Idiom Press:
Hi, I am the owner of several RotorEZ units for both Hygain and Yaesu controllers. It is a well known that the communications may appear to lockup or quit for whatever reason. This is awful for remote operation. It would be good for newer versions to recognize a lockup and restart but that would require some coding and would not correct the many now in use.
In my experimentation with local com ports and remote serial over ip ports, either or both, RTS and DTR are invoked when the port is accessed. DTR is almost always active when the port is active for rotor control and quickly shuts off when the port is inactive. This could be used to reset/power the processor on every remote access. It could also be used to switch the mains power through a relay. Power savings being a side benefit.

...An optical coupler could be used to reset the processor but it would probably be easier to just interrupt the DC supply. If there is no remote operation everything will still work locally.

...You can use a solid state optical switch*.

Best regards,

John Spigel, W1AN

*Note: DTR from DB9 pin 4 through a 1K resistor, optical switch and LED to pin 5 ground. Switch needs to handle the max DC current needed for the RotorEZ. Consider using a Toshiba TLP227G for the Yaesu DXA version but current needs to be measured for others.
« Last Edit: 2015-03-24, 01:02:57 by W1AN »


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Last year, I had trouble getting shipment or answers from Idiom press, so
instead I bought from Easy Rotor Control and had prompt shipment and no problems.
I had a Hy-gain controller, but their website lists Yaesu controllers.
Good luck,  Mark K6UFO