Author Topic: Authentication with user and password required to access RRC-Radio  (Read 10657 times)


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I use to access the RRC-Radio remotely via DDNS in order to power up the power supply before to switch-on my TS480SAT. When today I accessed the web page and clicked on the IO settings then a pop-up message came up asking for authentication with user and password. The text indicates "The server request a user and password. Message from server:Remote Rig". I typed both but the sytem refused the access. What I see now is that a Log-in button appears botton left on the page, when before there was nothing. Another thing is that , on the head of the web page, appears the indication RRC-1258 MkII: Radio [234], when the 234 was not there before. When from the local network, my son intended to access to the web page typing the IP:8090, it happened absolutely the same as remotely and the pop up came up with the same authentication request and without any result when typing both user and password. Under these conditions I can't access to the different links on the left side of the web page, with one exception, the Info page, that it's accessible. Aswell, and under these conditions, the communication between the two RRC's is not working.
Another very strange thing is that, looking at the Info page, I saw that the net mask of the RRC-Radio has been changed from to which is a not valid one. Of course nobody was on site previously doing absolutely nothing on the RRC-Radio. Localy, my son changed again to the correct net mask via the USB cable.
As additional information I can say that, previouly, I have been experiencing often problems to access via DDNS as well as from the local network to the web server of the RRC-Radio.
I will thank any information on how to proceed.
Many thanks

Antonio, EA4MY

Jan (Microbit)

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Since you are unable to log in it seems you have to perform a factory reset and if available restore the settings from a backup, else manually reconfigure it. Before doing that you could check that it uses the right profile(assuming that you have the latest firmware and Microbit Setup Manager program.)
Always include type of hard/software and version when asking for support.


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Hello Jan .
Many thanks. I will do that. I have a copy of the configuration and I will reconfigure it manually. The RRC is almost a brand new buyed last December and configured in January. The firmware is v 2.84, bootloader 1.10, and Microbit Setup Manager v1.27. I'm using WiFi connection to the router. If after the reset to the factory settings I see that the firware is different to v2.84 I suppose I have to update to this version in order to have both RRC Radio and Control with the same version.
A question: This strange thing that the netmask was modified without any intervention ( or even this problem of the authentication request not responding to user and password), could it be because I have been hacked?
Many thanks

Antonio, EA4MY


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An additional question Jan: After performing the factory reset, and when performing the settings on the Dynamic DNS tab, should I introduce the previous settings of "Own DNS host name", "Username" and "Password"?. Or, how I must proceed?.
Many thanks in advance

Antonio, EA4MY


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Everything is working back again.
Many thanks for the support.
Best 73

Antonio, EA4MY